Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cru Christmas Party/ Its A Wonderful Life/Dogs!/ Slumber Party/ New Dorm (December 2nd-8th)

Tuesday:  Tuesday was the first day that the therapy dogs were there.  I got there right when the dogs showed up.  They were there from Tuesday-Thursday to help out the week before Finals.  It was so great to see them, and they just made my stress go away.  After visiting with dogs I had to go do a presentation for Media about car advertisements.  I think we did pretty well although our videos didn't load properly.  One of the guys in our group was Korean, and he told us he had never had to do a speech before.  We asked him how he felt before doing our speech, his response was hungry.  Ha ha what?  I next went to Walmart and took Kezanna along,  I went to get candy for the little boxes I had for Christmas candy for friends.  Also as an extra gift for the people in Cru who I didn't decorate plates for.  Kezanna and I got McDonalds for lunch, then met up with Pepin in the basement where we played on different aps on our phones together, then Pepin taught us how to play Farkle.  I was pretty bad my first time.  That night was the Cru party, which was so much fun.  Too decorate the room, Pepin and Laurette took the Christmas tree in the hallway. ha ha :p  Everyone seem to enjoy their plates, and Jeremy got me a pretty great present.  Twenty-One Pilots: Regional at Best CD. Its a very rare CD that isn't sold anymore.  I was very excited to get that.  I played Farkle again for the second time that night, and this time I only rolled good things, so I was winning for a long time.  For the White Elephant present, I ended up getting some CDs,  Ashley got the stuffed penguin I bought.  I ended up winning the Ugly Christmas Sweater Costume.  Pepin, Laurette, and I also played with a green balloon in the hallway for the longest time until Pepin popped it.  After the Cru party was over I went to the library to have a study session with Laurette.  There is a super cool part of the library with huge couches and chairs.  It was awesome.  On the walk to the dorms I had one of the green balloons but it ended up blowing out of my box across campus.  Pretty entertaining scene from an onlooker to be honest.  It was a really great day.
Wednesday: Wednesday it pretty much a blur, I only got 4 hours of sleep Tuesday night.  4 hours of sleep causes me to almost lose everything, and I'm surprised my friend Laurette could deal with me to be honest :D Went to the library again to do homework.  I visited the dogs in the library again.

Thursday:  Today was another great day.  I got to meet one of Laurette's track friends at dinner( Sarah), and she is super cool and funny.  After dinner we all visited the therapy dogs, then Laurette and I went and saw "Its a Wonderful Life" as performed by my friend Mikey and Quinn.  They were able to act as many different characters throughout the play.  It was so cool.  :D  I'm so proud to know them.  That night had a slumber party in Sarah's sweet, where I laughed until I cried, and we all watched The Fault in our Stars.  We whispered okay to each other until we all fell asleep.
Friday:  My English professor basically told us about past stories about his life instead of teaching us today which was pretty awesome.  Apparently a dog was jumping on the building he was in during a hangover and barking.  He couldn't handle the barking so he opened the window and threw up all over the dog because he was mad at it?  Took my friend Ashley to the Emergency Room because she had severe chest pains.  We thought she might have pnuemonia but it turned out to be bronchitis which is a little better.  The day before they had misdiagnosed it as a sinus infection.

Saturday:  Went out to dinner with Laurette, Kezanna, and her friend Aly.  We all went to Bdubs :D So good. :)

Sunday:  Laurette and I made chalk mugs :D Pretty cool.

Monday:  Had my final classes of the semester.  It was mostly review.  After that was over began piling my things into pile for moving into my new dorm with Chloe.  That turned into a disaster because almost immediately at the beginning of moving I dropped my key into the disaster of piles that were in my room,  It took an hour to find and I was super frustrated to say the least.  Laurette, and Robert and Jeremy from Cru helped me move in, except Jeremy got distracted almost immediately and talked to the 3rd floor people.  His job was to protect one of my combat boots.The boot was taken from him when we were finished.  I told him to give the boot back to the poor boy ha ha.  10 minutes after I was moved in Jeremy texted me saying he was sorry and asked if I needed anymore help.  I told him I would call him later to yell at him.  He didn't believe me.  Before I called him though I had to see a performance of half the Messiah in the concert hall. The song was like a 100 pages long. o.o  It was kind of really boring.  For Finals week there was also a brunch with the Chancellor for free.  It was fantastic.  Went to the library after that with Laurette where I called Jeremy and told him I was mad and it was a pretty hilarious conversation because we were both laughing the whole time.  But it was seriously strange that Robert was more helpful then he was ha ha.