Wednesday, April 5, 2017


       Being a positive person mostly, it's easy for me to find joy, and see the best in people. This week, however, which happens to be the week after Spring Break, I got to carried away with looking at my future after my schooling this year is done.  Monday morning when I woke up for school, I just felt negative. Focusing on how much I wanted the future to come quickly started a bad attitude in me.

       1) This program I'm on, is short already, and I really wanted to be apart of it, and waited two years. Wanting the last 2 months to just pass, is not right. God gives new gifts everyday, and he isn't done yet. There's so much left to experience yet! Along with this is distraction. Being distracted in the now just makes us passive, instead of soaking up everything this year has to offer.
         2) A tiny little bug called bitterness snuck into my life. I denied it at first, but it started working and making me feel distant to those on the school. The people I love, and the people God handpicked to be work with me. Crucial relationships. People you love will hurt you, but that's okay. Kill the bitterness with forgiveness.

      Today we did an exercise at school, where everyone got a pile of post-it-notes and wrote one positive word for each of our classmates. This is definitely what I needed today, and God knew it. So to keep the positive vibes going: I'll list out the words I got, and also the words I was given about a month ago that people used to describe me.

  • Humble
  • Wise (x2)
  • Vulnerability (x2)
  • Bold (x3)
  • Caring
  • Soft-hearted (x2)
  • Teachable
  • Obedient
  • Patient
  • Hard-working (x2)
  • Funny
  • Faithful
  • Gracious
  • Loving (x2)
  • Thankful Always
  • Favored
  • Encouraging
  • Meek
  • Brave (x2)
  • Thoughtful
  • Courageous
  • Tender
  • Genuine
  • Deep
  • Resilient (x2)
  • Compassionate
  • Kind
  • Beauty
  • Precious

Yeah so after seeing these words that people used to describe me, it was just so encouraging especially since the top thing people see me as seems to be in being brave, which is a very important characteristic in life. Feel free to add anymore words to the list, if you think it's lacking any, or let me know if you need some positivity as well and I will be happy to give you a list of words that I think describe you