Sunday, November 16, 2014

White Christmas,Saving Pedro, Engagement Party, and The First Snowfall November 8th-16th

Last weekend I was lucky enough to go back to my high school and see my musical family perform "White Christmas."  I was already in the Christmas spirit before seeing the show so that just propelled my excitedness for Christmas.  It was so well done that I cried after the show was over from the proudness of all these kids.  After you don't see these people for so long you forget how truly amazing their talent is.  I'm so glad I got to see it not once but twice.  The first time being with my friend Christian from high school.  The cast party also filled me with joy after seeing what each student was awarded after the show, and hearing stories of situations that had happened during the musical this year.  I think college has made me a more excitable and emotional person. :)
Monday was pretty boring but I found out that I got an 86% on my biggest project so far this year which was a 5 year Development Plan for Japan.  So I was pretty happy about that, since she pretty much explained it as impossible.

Tuesday was a pretty good day.  Before Cru there was an event in the Den where you could make 3D snowflakes and got free hot chocolate.  I didn't even bother to try to figure out how to make the snowflakes and just enjoyed the free hot chocolate, as Laurette and her friend Chloe made them.  Later that night was Cru, where we learned about the kidnapping of Pedro.  Pedro is a plastic penguin that goes on retreats with the Cru Family.  Pedro can only be saved if enough people go to TCX, which is a retreat that takes place in Minneapolis.  I signed up last week.  :) I really hope Pedro can be saved.

Wednesday:  Today was a boring day as well.  For the first time in a long time I didn't have homework so I didn't have to do much after classes.  I still went with my friend Nicole to the library and watched YouTube and listened to a few Podcasts Tyler Oakley had done.  Once I left the library, I ran into some of the Cru kids and talked with them for a bit.

Thursday:  I met with my advisor to discuss my Spring Schedule and classes I should taking.  Its so exciting picking new classes, but I'm definitely going to miss my English professor a lot.  Hes been like a relative to me, and just seems like he cares a lot about me, and his jokes and words of wisdom are always something I look forward to.:)  I watched TV for the 1st time in my dorm.  ha ha took me long enough.  That night went to a session all about quiet times and learning how to listen for answers from God.  It was very inspirational to me, and I definitely plan to do a daily quiet time now.

Friday:  I literally didn't do anything after classes.  I ate, did homework, and watched Family Guy...yea perfect Friday night right there.

Saturday:  I got a new computer because my other one stopped working, and my parents came to visit.  We drove over to my brother's girlfriend's apartment for an engagement party.  I was satisfied with the amount of food there.  I even got to have a rootbeer float and pet/hold some cute kitties.  After that was the 1st  big snowfall of the year.  It decided to come when my friends Nicole, Hannah, and Jared decided to go to the movie theatre.  Jared got us there safely and back safely.  We stopped at Culvers first then saw the movie Beyond the Lights.  It was okay but I wouldn't recommend it.  It seemed very unrealistic to me.  But I still had a great time.  There were a lot of laughs shared on the car ride there and back.

Sunday:  Slept a lot.  Went to the den with Laurette.  Not much else.  Listened to a lot of music.

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