Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Short Revelation

      Today as I was picking out what clothes to wear for the day, I came across a shirt with a saying I used to believe. But now troubled my heart.  On the front of the shirt it says "Create", and on the back it says: "Today I create a life of my choosing".
         A person might believe this phrase if they are not born-again, but once you get born-again you realize how false this statement actually is. The truth is once your born-again you realize that your life is not your own. God creates our world and our life. This may seem controlling, but the reality is he actually creates a world for us so much bigger and better than we can ever imagine.  Our worlds without him fall into despair. Before the creation of the world he had preplanned what the purpose of my life would be, and what great things I would accomplish here on Earth. We can rebel against him, or be obedient to his call on our lives. If I created my life the way I wanted it to be, it would take away all the creativeness of God. God has a better life planned for us, it would be stupid to follow what we think would be perfect., because our perfect and God's perfect are on totally different scales.
           It's so funny how God talks to us, even on things as simple as a shirt in our drawer.

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