Saturday, December 17, 2016

30 Things God has Taught me at the School of Worship

1) There's a lot I can change in and grow in, to become the best version of myself

2) I have struggles with pride. Either comparing myself to people as less then them or better than them, but the truth is God gives us each gifts. Without these gifts we wouldn't do anything. So we're all equally as important.

3) Time Management is important, especially when you are in a music school, and you keep having to build on more and more layers of things. You have to learn the basics to be able to do the more complicated things etc. It also keeps your room from getting too messy.

4) It's not fake to know some people deeper than others. This is a struggle for me especially on the school, I want to get to know everyone and build deeply with all of them, but realistically I can't do that without being burnt out, and that's okay. We need to pour out and be poured into by a select few.

5) Being rooted in the truth is important. I didn't think it would be but it actually is. Having a mindset that can switch into biblical truths, helps from anxiety slipping in, fear, sadness, etc.

6) Being a Christian doesn't mean you will have an easier life. It actually usually means the opposite. We can depend on God's strength, but we are also usually put through more trials/obstacles, because Satan doesn't like that we are following God.

7) Learning an instrument takes a lot of practice, repetition. It's simple, but sometimes I like to think there's an easier more exciting way. But the good news is the better that you get at an instrument, the more you like to play it, which doesn't happen if you're too lazy to practice. (Time Management Skills kick in).

8) Trials and godly disciplines are actually mostly good things.  They may be hard and hurt in the process but they make us more like God.

9) We like to cling to old mindsets we used to have, and still have them because we don't think they can change and think they are apart of who we are, but that's actually not true, and if we work hard enough we can actually change them.

10) If you go into something with a negative mindset it will take up your thinking and you actually will not be able to learn or do what you were frustrated about doing at least not as well. (For instance at the beginning of the year with me not being musically minded from the start, my mind would want to kick into there's no way I can learn this, but you can actually learn anything you want. You just might have to work harder on some things or get help, but that's okay. It doesn't mean you are any less of a person.)

11) You are meant to love everyone.  It's immature to form friendships with just the people you share a similar personality with, or like the same activities. The most rewarding friendships are actually those that challenge us in different things.

12) It's actually a good thing for people to point out the flaws in us as a friend. This points out the blindspots in us that we don't see so we can fix them,

13) Copying positive character traits we like about someone is actually a good thing to. We need tole models for a reason.

14) Even if your strong in your faith, people who are not can be toxic to you. Sometimes we think we are helping someone, but were actually not, and they're hurting us instead.

15) Going to sleep early and waking up early is a helpful thing

16) Most of the time taking naps after class, isn't helpful, it just makes you not want to do homework or much of anything.

17) If I turn off my alarm and fall back to sleep, I usually don't wake up in time. (A tip for waking up on time is making sure you're phone isn't right next to you when you fall asleep, that way you have to physically get up and turn it off.)

18) If I don't want to do bible reading, I usually can't focus right on what I'm reading so actually reading it out loud helps me focus on the words, and it actually becomes less of a task.

19) Share deep feelings and get advice from women of the church, if your a man (the opposite). Sharing deep things with the person of the other gender is actually destructive unless you are engaged, married, dating etc. One on One situations are also harmful.

20) Being single isn't a bad thing.  It doesn't mean you are ugly and that guys don't like you. It means you can focus on God and keep him at the center of your attention without distraction until the one that God has chosen to be your husband comes into the picture. Patience is key. This man should lead you to focus on God and not on him.

21) Liking someone makes it harder to focus on keeping God as the center of your life, and puts the person on a pedestal. Putting anyone besides God on a pedestal is really unhealthy.

22) God has different roles for us in different seasons

23) It's okay to be emotional

24) 5 deep relationships are more important then 13 shallow ones

25) You need to go to God first with your problems. It's so easy just to reach out to someone and tell your problems to them, but God is actually the most helpful to bring our problems too. Talking with God helps me sort out my emotions and feel better about situations, see them more clearly.

26) Rest is good, but don't use it as an excuse to be lazy.

27) God is good all the time, and we should never ask him why something happened, because he will use it for good.

28) I have the capacity to handle a busy schedule. I'm not used to busy schedules, but am doing pretty well.

29) Some things that don't seem like a big thing to most people, are seen as big things to God.

30) If you do something wrong, don't condemn yourself. Just try to do better next time. Gods salvation is not based on how well we do in life.

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