Saturday, September 9, 2017

Working with Kids With the Heart of Jesus

             While reflecting on a situation that occurred today, God revealed something to me.

The Situation:  Some of my clients at work have multiple sessions a day. I came to do my session directly after this particular kid had had another therapy session. The mom warned me about how he was having a bad day, and would probably be really difficult for me. In the previous session he had a meltdown and showed bad behaviors, which I read about in the therapy records. Throughout the session the kid did really well with me, and didn't act out and even earned outside time at the end or session. The mother said she was surprised at how he had acted, saying that the other therapist was much more strict and hard on him, but somehow my personality with being calm, gentle, and soft-spoken had made him respond better to me. Stating how it was a miracle that he calmed down after such a bad session previously. I told her that the Holy Spirit was in the room, and able to create a sort of peace in the room, and she agreed.

    We are all peacemakers. Wherever we go, we carry the peace of God, and other's around us notice us, like in this situation. When Jesus dealt with children he was calm,gentle, and patient. He didn't yell, and thank goodness for us God doesn't yell at us, but has patience for us. This is how we are meant to be with people. Being patient, and slow to anger. Talking and thinking through a situation before reacting.

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