Sunday, December 24, 2017

A Lovely Night

     Right now I am going through a hard season, as well as the hardest semester of college.  I won't go into it, as I don't think that will be very helpful, but if you are a fellow believer in Jesus, I ask you to pray for me. Pray for me to find inner peace,thinking too deeply, strength, and to trust in Jesus. I've noticed in this hard season, that I have been beating myself up a lot about how poorly I'm doing, and wondering why I'm not strong. This is a lie. I am strong. I am so strong, I am just going through a hard time. Everyone does. But it passes. However that is not what this blogpost will be about. In hard times it is good to think about happy memories. So I would like to share one of them with you. One I meant to write about months ago when it happened but never did. It won't be as detailed as it would of been, had I written it then,but will bring me joy as I type and reflect on this memory.

      This memory takes place on October 27th 2017. During this period of time, two of my friends from overseas were in town. One from England and one from Germany. As it was close to Halloween, we decided to go to a corn maze. A very large corn maze called Richardson Adventure Farm in Illinois.This corn maze contains 10 miles of trails. The cool thing about this corn maze, is that it is cut in an intricate pattern. This years pattern had to  do with "The Cubs, and the World Series.  I decided it'd be fun to experience. I'm so glad I decided to go, I could not stop laughing. Nights full of fun, where you can't stop laughing surrounded by great friends is the best. On this adventure were my friends: Morgan, Bell, Manuela, David, Dave, Aric, and Kelsey.
     We went to the corn maze at night, arriving at around 7:15. Even though it was night it was still easy to see. So we wouldn't lose each other on our journey we all carried different colored glow sticks. Each of us switching off, hiding among the corn and jumping out. Some parts of the maze were very muddy, and we'd slide around. Most of all we enjoyed each other's company, switching off who would make the others laugh and who would lead the group into getting more lost in the maze. After an hour and a half - two hours in the corn maze we decided we had, had enough. We were unable to find all the checkpoints. (I really didn't want to walk 10 miles anyway). There's something so cool about walking through rows of corn towering over your head. (As long as its on purpose, and not that you somehow got yourself lost in the corn maze by yourself.)

     Since it was an adventure farm, there were more activities to be done. A large slide down a hill, and a giant jumping pillow. The most fun thing about the experience being going on the jumping pillow. I wouldn't typically think of a giant jumping pillow as fun, especially for young adults, but I was wrong. I jumped and was filled with joy, and couldn't stop laughing. Being so thankful for such a night. You can't experience maximum fun on the jumping pillow until you play tag, or try to stay standing as others try to knock you over. Falling, getting up and going for it again. Until your heart was beating so fast from all the running around, and previous walk in the corn maze you feel like you may pass out. Moments like these make the hard times worth it. Knowing it will blow over, and there will be a ton of  experiences as sweet or sweeter than this one yet to come. Unfortunately no group photos were taken on this night.

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