Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Are People Worth It?

  The inspiration to write this post has been floating in my mind since Saturday so I thought I'd get my thoughts down.  When inspiration strikes the words flow around in my head, and I keep thinking of new ways to express my thoughts. Almost all my blogppst have been prewritten and edited within my mind beforehand. I can do this before I speak, however my words cone out so much better written down then spoken out for me.
   I'm not sure why included the top part,  I thought it might be cool to see a little of what goes on in my mind. This weekend I was indirectly asked if people with worth it and if I was naive for trusting people so easily.
     You would think a girl who has experienced quite a bit of bullying that I would say no, people aren't actually worth it, but this isn't the case. That thought is a unhealthy seed of bitterness. In a world of so much negativity I want to have a positive influence on people. To make them see joy in their lives, to be patient with them, to listen, to serve, to make it seem as if the world wasn't so dark after all. To be a light.
     God's path for me is to work with people.  To love people. You can look into all the false motives of a person or detect all their flaws or you can pick out the positive characteristics and focus on those. This weekend a person pinpointed the reasons I should have trust issues, naming false things about my friends as truth. What they didn't know is I'm very intuitive.  I can tell when a person doesn't actually care or is lying to me or has bad motives, and I can tell when a person is being genuine with me or trying their best. Even if they do treat me wrong. I forgive.  God has love for us all and we were made in his image to be Christ-like. It is Christ-like to have love for those around us. To be patient and kind. People want to be loved. Some people are harder to love, but love them anyways. Hate the sin and corruption in people's lives but not the person. Everyone has a purpose. Be encouraging.
Much love to you all.

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