Thursday, October 19, 2023

Manchester Cathedral, British History Museum, and Waterstones

     9/18       I ended up sleeping in longer than I had expected due to it being so dark in the living room. The curtains keep the living room dark, and so did the cloudiness. It was another rainy day in England, and I didn't pack the clothes needed for visiting England. I had a faux leather jacket that was peeling, comfortable tennis shoes that were great for walking in Germany, but not for the wetness of England. Within minutes of stepping outside my socks were soaked from stepping in a puddle. It was also in the 50s when Germany had been warmer. After visiting the Manchester Cathedral we would go and buy umbrellas, and I bought a warmer coat. 

    The Manchester Cathedral is a gorgeous gothic looking church. Europe has an abundance of really incredible-looking churches. The Manchester Cathedral is only about a 3 minute walk from Kez's apartment building. While in the church there was a mirror you could look into where you could see the church reflected back in the mirror. There was a man standing near the mirror that asked to see Kez's phone. No other context, just could he see one of our phones. Kez gave him hers and then he showed her how to take a cool picture using the mirror. To get our umbrellas we went to the Arndale shopping mall and into the New Look store. Umbrellas are necessary for walking around England, and with the wind you have to learn the art of umbrella-wielding. 

   After getting an umbrella and a warmer jacket we went to the People's History Museum. The People's History Museum showcases British history mostly related to their democracy. It was really interesting to walk through, and learn about Britain's history after knowing very little about it. After walking through the museum we went to a coffee shop called Black Sheep Coffee. Black Sheep Coffee is one of the coffee chains in England. I got a caramel mocha, and it was amazing. You ordered and paid at a kiosk. 

   We went to Waterstones after drinking our coffee. Waterstones is a bookstore chain in England like Barnes and Nobles. The bookstore was 3 stories so we spent a couple hours there. It was interesting to see what the highlighted of America in the travel section, and how else they represented America in their different sections. We went to a grocery store afterwards to buy the ingredients needed for dinner, as well as buy British snacks. I got a galaxy bar, Cadbury fingers, and jaffa cakes. I also found the same juice I had in Germany so I got that as well. I could actually read what it had in it this time. :P Once we got back I tried the British snacks while Kez made dinner. The galaxy bar was my favorite. It tastes a lot like Dove chocolate. During dinner we had deep talks until it was time to go to bed. We also bought train tickets for our trip to Liverpool the next day, as well as Beatles bus tour tickets. 

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