Thursday, January 18, 2024

2023 Goals Update

   For this Blogpost I'll be going over the goals I had for 2023 and how well I accomplished them as well as adding new goals for 2024. 

1) One of my goals last year was to drink more water. This goal went pretty smoothly for the first 6ish months of the year. I bought a variety of drinks instead of soda, and made sure to have water readily available. I bought a water bottle to take to work to help with this and glass jars. I also bought soda with less sugar and cranberry juice, etc. What I found however at work is that there is hardly any time to even take a second to take a drink when you're working one on one with small children. You can definitely forget to as the clients are the number one priority and take a lot of attention. For some of them if you even look away for a second they could have bolted out of the room or knocked over something. After the first 6 months of the year I started buying soda more frequently again although I am still trying to incorporate other drinks. (Basically usually I am not drinking enough liquids in general and become easily dehydrated.) (Sometimes I even get cramping in my legs which I think is due to the lack of needed water in my body.)  I'll continue to work on this goal in 2024. 

2) My 2nd goal of 2023 was to keep my apartment more tidy. This was both a hit and a miss during the year.  A lot of the time I would get it tidy and then either not feel good due to allergies or be super fatigued after work that things would get messy again. Due to the fatigue I kept pushing off cleaning. Living alone you also don't have that accountability to keep it clean for others. When its just up to me it makes it harder. My apartment is pretty cluttered in general due to being a studio and having to find way too many places for different items. I've noticed I tend to start a bunch of different tasks before finishing one when cleaning and tend to leave things out after I use them. For example: I'll start vacuuming the living room, then notice there's a wrapper on the floor so I throw that away, then notice something needs to be cleaned up, etc. With that in mind I'm working on not doing these things, and putting things back after I use them to their designated spots. 

3) My 3rd goal of 2023 was to spend less time on my phone. I was still on my phone a lot this year I think, and could have been doing a lot better things. I got really into watching live-streamers so that didn't help my case. (We love a good parasocial relationship :/). This isn't an excuse but after work as mentioned above I felt drained and would nap most days after work and then go on my phone as I didn't want to do anything that took much thought. I know I really didn't work too hard to combat this addiction either like I have in the past. I will keep working on this goal in 2024.

4) My 4th goal in 2023 was to be more intentional about doing life with people. I didn't really accomplish this goal too well. I'm so used to doing things independently that it's my go to. I would also rather do things by myself then waste another person's time to have them do everyday life things that I could do by myself. I know this isn't true and people are happy to come along with day to day stuff. I will keep this in mind for 2024, but I don't think it's as big of a goal this year. 

5) My 5th goal for 2023 was to travel, and I think it's safe to say I knocked that one out of the park with all the traveling I did last year. Trip 1 being to Myrtle Beach with Rebecca during April for 5 days and Trip 2 being 13 days in Germany and England. I would like to do another trip sometime this year. Maybe another 5 day one to somewhere I haven't been yet. We'll see. 😊

6) My 6th goal for 2023 was to upgrade to a bigger apartment. This is still a goal. I would still very much like to have a bigger space and be able to have a dog. However that's currently not possible especially with the cost of living right now. I got a promotion at work and am making more than I have in my life, but I've been spending more than I make the last couple of months which is fine due to my savings. Thankfully I saved up some of my money for years so my balance never goes under. We'll have to see what happens. Even apartments have gone up in price a ton. 😥 I am still content with where I live currently though. Also my financial advisor moved to a different company. With a bigger apartment I could finally get a dog. Maybe 2024 is the year I'll get a dog. (I can dream.) 

7) My 7th goal of 2023 was to learn more recipes. I have definitely accomplished this goal. I've made new recipes I found online and with friends last year including: wiener schnitzel, german meatballs, chicken pesto pasta, and shepherd's pie to name a few. 

8) My 8th goal of 2023 was to spend more time with God. I feel like 2023 was an up and down kind of year for my relationship with God. I would pray and listen to worship music most mornings while getting ready for the day. I would attend church most Sundays and helped out with Cru. I drove a girl from campus to church and talked about God with her. I attended homegroup most weeks. However I rarely read my Bible which is one of the most important things you can do as a Christian. Instead of spending time with God I would go on my phone (because it didn't take as much effort). Relationships take work. I want to be excited about my walk with God again like how I was when I was first born-again. I'm still excited and grateful for my faith but it's more passive.  I got some great Christian books to hopefully help me get more excited again for Christmas, but this will definitely be a goal again for 2024. 

Again, like last year I will add to this if I think of anything else. I will add the same verse I did last time, because it still pertains, and is challenging. 

      "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of your time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

2023 Reflection Post

    2023 turned out to be an incredible year. (I don't know if this is normal, but I was nervous to say if it was a good year or not in case something devastating happened last minute as a jinx for saying it was a good year in advance.) Luckily that didn't happen. 2023 was filled with wonderful adventures to new places including Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Dresden, Manchester, and Liverpool. I was promoted at work into being a Registered Behavior Technician and I traveled to Europe by myself which was my first time overseas. (Yes it was stressful but I survived.) I went to two concerts including a preshow drink and the ability to watch sound check for Phantom Planet. I also got bronchitis for the first time, and many days of dealing with terrible allergies throughout. (I blew my nose, coughed, and had more sore throats this year then any year previously that I can remember.) (The info you didn't ask for.) Besides this summary I will list the main things that occurred in each month of 2023. Throughout the year I also attended church most Sundays and was involved with kid's work for the 4th-5th grade class around once a month. I also helped out with Cru on Tuesday nights (Jan-April), and attended homegroup most weeks. 


- Brought in the new year at a party at my friend Morgan's house. 

- Got bronchitis 

- Went to a Cru Leadership Conference at a hotel in Milwaukee (My friends Trae and Machaela ran the UW Parkside chapter of Cru which is a Christian group on campus, and I was one of the people to help out with Cru from the fall of 2022- the Spring of 2023.) 


-I got stuck in my friend's driveway. As I was backing up I got stuck in a snow drift, and also their driveway was completely frozen. It was also close to midnight, very cold, and my friend, her brother, and dad came to dig my car out and break up the ice. 

- I went to Candy Lane Milkshake Bar with friends, and had the most candy/sugar-filled shake of my life. (They unfortunately shut down)

-My brother had written a play and it debuted in Milwaukee so I went with my parents and their friends to go see it. 

-I turned 27. 


-Celebrated my birthday with friends at Honada's 

- Got an upper-respiratory infection 

-Celebrated dad's 60th birthday 


-Got blonde highlights

-Went to Myrtle Beach with Rebecca to escape the cold Wisconsin weather and see the ocean. It was freezing when we left, but ended up getting into the 70s in Wisconsin while we were gone. :P We also spent a day in Charleston. 

- My friend Trae invited me to the Youth for Christ Banquet that went over the organizations accomplishments of the year. (Racine area). 

- Went to my friend Beth's bridal shower


-Went to Milwaukee with my friend's Mary and Megan

-My friend Kayla had an outdoor baby shower, and it downpoured for 20 minutes. :P 

-Saw Phantom Planet in Chicago with Rebecca. Bought tickets where you could attend soundcheck and hang out with the members of Phantom Planet for a preshow drink. After the concert we stayed to talk with them as well. 


- My friend's Beth and Will got married

- Did a painting class with my mom at Pinot's Palate (It was a Mother's Day gift but we also celebrated Father's Day with my brother and sister in law that day afterwards.) 


-Went to Libertyville to visit my friend Nicole 

- Went to a 4th of July Party with church friends 

- Traveled to South Bend for our church's annual conference, OCM. I stayed with a group of girls from Cru. On our way to Indiana I ended up getting a virus which gave me a bad sore throat for the rest of the conference and achiness. 

- My friend's Trae and Machaela had a going away party. (They moved to North Carolina.) 

- Did another painting class at Pinot's Palette, this time with both mom and dad

- Helped Trae and Machaela get ready for their move


- Saw the Barbie Movie twice

-Got promoted into being a Registered Behavior Technician


- Traveled to Europe by myself and explored Dresden, Manchester, Prague, and Liverpool. I visited my friend Phil and his wife Anna in Dresden, and visited my friend Kez in Manchester. There were eight flights, a lot of bus rides, train rides, moped rides, and Ubers, and I didn't miss any of them. :P I was also briefly in Bristol, Zurich, and Amsterdam. 

- Celebrated my friend Nicole's birthday at Apple Holler 


- Had a movie night at my apartment where we watched "The Best of Me" 

- Went to a bonfire party with young adults from church 


- November was pretty uneventful. I got lunch with a few friends after church at Tacos El Norte one Sunday, and celebrated Thanksgiving at my cousin's house. 


- Traveled to Chicago with a few friends to explore the German Christmas Market 

- Got dinner and then saw Lovejoy in Milwaukee with Rebecca 

- Went to a Christmas themed movie night at a friend's house and watched "The Santa Clause" 

- Went to our young adults Christmas party for church and came in second place for cookie decorating. 

- Celebrated Christmas at my aunt's house and parent's house 

- Celebrated New Year's Eve with a murder mystery game and a few rounds of "Heads Up" with my parents and other family members.