Thursday, October 22, 2015

Realization After the 6 Week Evangelism Training

   A lot has happened since I last posted (before yesterday's post).  Tonight was the last Evangelism Training of the 6 week class taught by my friend Milly.  Tonight was all about debriefing about what had happened during those 6 weeks, and things to make the class better, as Milly is going to take the Evangelism class to the other cities with the other Living Lights as well.  (Kenosha, Pleasant Prairie, Cadillac, Taughton, Wellington, and Germany).  A flood of realizations came to my head that I thought I would share.

   During the summer as stated in a previous blogpost, God told me to get more involved with my church, and the people of the church.  I asked God for an opportunity to do this, and on the second week I went to church after summer break, Milly's Evangelism Training class was introduced,  I knew this is what God wanted me to do.  That day was the first time I officially met Milly, after I had heard so much about her.  Now being that the class is now over, I realized I have gotten to know a group from the church so much better, and they have been so encouraging to me.

    It was so great to be taught about genuine evangelism.  On the first night Milly taught us that Evangelism shouldn't be boxed in.  There are so many ways to do Evangelism, and you shouldn't follow a certain technique.  Evangelism should be lead by the Holy Spirit.  The way we had been taught to do Evangelism with Cru (Christian group on campus) is to do spiritual surveys, or to share a a booklet called a KGP (Getting to Know God Personally).  I feel like the use of the KGP and surveys are more like forced Evangelism rather than genuine Evangelism, all though they are easier to use if you don't really know how to start an evangelistic conversation.  I just think it's more fruitful to have the Holy Spirit lead you in the conversation, and gives you away to talk about God.  In the class it was kind of also taught that  God will lead you to who you should talk to, you shouldn't go up to people randomly.  In Cru we were taught to just walk up to random strangers and start talking to them.  Of course God wants everyone in his kingdom, but he also knows when they're ready to hear it.

   Through these 6 weeks there has also been an immense growth in my walk with God, even being baptized in the Holy Spirit. I used to have an open-mind about all the Christian topics, but I feel like God has given me a strong opinion on things so I can talk to other people confidently without doubt that I'm saying something wrong to others, and has just made me way more bold as a person.  If I feel lead to do something, I just do it.   I without hesitation share my testimony, and my faith.  I can talk about things that usually I'd feel uncomfortable talking about with people, and was given knowledge to be able to answer other people's questions that they may have.  Through having such a strong opinion on faith though I have been discouraged.  A few people have definitely disagreed with me, and thought that by me having such a strong opinion that I was actually putting myself above them.  They thought that I thought that I was more spiritually strong then them.  This doesn't matter though.  We are all children of God, therefore equal, but all of us are in varying stages of our faith with God.

   I have been also exercising my faith muscle.  I've been praying over people, and trusting that the images I see or the words I am given are prophetic.  You won't always be right of course, but you need to keep trying, because God "is" talking to you!  I asked God to show me the world differently and he sure did in such a wonderful way.  I thought this post would be longer.  I was inspired to write it last night but got discouraged so I don't know if this is all I wanted to say, but I'll add to it if I think of anything.

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