Felicia: La chica es muy loca, pero yo me amo ella.
Amber: A girl with such a strong loving heart, and incredible taste in music.
Courtney: A colorful background for a colorful girl, full of boldness and energy.
Christian:My little bro, who makes me so proud with his accomplishments,
Kelsey: A girl who has become such a close friend to me within the past year.
Laurette: A ball of positivity, that has been there with me every step of the way with college. Giving advice, being there, or lending an ear to me.
Trae, Ethan, and Aaron: The three of them never fail to make me smile in any situation.
Mike: Such a strong and caring heart.
Yay Alex. I'm so happy and grateful to be your friend. I wish I had more time around Parkside this year to visit with you. ^^ I hope we can get together now and during the summer. :) Love you.