Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Break Routines, Open Doors

     How are we ever going to find excitement in life if we stick to routines?  Talking to the same people at work, sitting by the same people at school.  By doing this we see life from the same perspective day-by-day.  We aren't pushing ourselves to see our lives from different perspectives, in a society where were creatures of habit.  Let's have the boldness to break routines, and open doors for ourselves.  Doors to new friendships with people, doors to new opportunities and friendships, to experiences that grow us.  Getting to know a bunch of people and loving them, instead of the same people.  People are such good investments.  Listen to what they have to say, what they have to teach you.  Be a light in their lives, fill the faults within their hearts. Encourage them and lift them up, in this society of negativity.  Believe in them, because maybe your the only one who does.  Serve them in little ways.

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