Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lovely Springy Days

     The last few days in the life of Alex have been really lovely, both weather-wise and in happiness levels, so I thought I'd share with you guys the adventures I had over the last few days.

    Thursday:  After classes I got to spend time with one of the families from Living Light (my church).  A family of seven.  Five kids and two parents, although the oldest child wasn't there. The children ranged from age 5 to age 16.
     We started off by having a lovely dinner of Thai food, and a salad.  The kids preferred pork sandwiches with no salads :P.  (Except for the 5 year old, Simeon who kept asking if he could have more leaves.) The food was really great.  During dinner we talked about my plans for summer, how the School of Leadership is going for them, etc.  After dinner I got to feed their guinea pigs.  Guinea pigs make the cutest sounds.  I then got to play some of them in Star Wars monopoly, unfortunately I didn't win. In the game you buy planets, and whoever buys the most planets, wins the game. Hanging out with people from the church is always so great.  They're my family.

     Friday:  My roommate, Korah who is from China hadn't gotten a chance to see Lake Michigan yet, so I took her to the boardwalk in Kenosha.  The other times we have had free time, have been too cold to go, but Friday was perfect.  We took pictures of the awesome sight, hopped a long the rocks on the shoreline, and threw rocks into the water.
    After that we walked over to the Kenosha Public Museum.  It's a cute little museum that is free for people to go to.  A little girl drew me a picture of a dinosaur :P.  After exploring the museum we went to a Kenosha beach so we could touch the water safely. It's still freezing cold if you were wondering :p.  We then walked up to Carthage and I showed her some of the buildings.  We finished off our adventure by visiting all the dogs in the dog park at Petrifying Springs Park, which is definitely one of my favorite things to do, since they are my favorite animal and I often miss my dog at home.  More and more dogs came as we sat in the park.  Whenever a new dog would arrive all the dogs would run over by them, and then they'd all play together, literally seven dogs running together and playing.  Why can't humans be friends that fast? 

      Saturday:  All the exchange students were emailed about taking a possible trip to Chicago for the day, since it was such a nice day.  Me and my roommate were the only ones to accept the invitation, and took the train down to Chicago at 8:30 in the morning.  We arrived at the Chicago train station at 10:20 then set out for our adventure.  First taking a trip to Chinatown via water taxi to buy Gynsing, which Korah's grandparents wanted her to buy.  One of the volunteers for the Parkside International program acted like our tour guide because one of the apartments she owns is located in Chicago.  The store that we went to, to buy Gynsing was owned by a cat. 

    For lunch we ate at a traditional Chinese restaurant, and I got to try all different kinds of food. The Parkside International Organization volunteer was also Chinese, so she was excited to watch me try the foods as well.  They were both amazed at how well I could use chopsticks, I never once felt like I needed a fork. :)

      We got back on the water-taxi to Michigan Avenue, then took a bus to the Lincoln Park Zoo.  It's a free zoo right by Lake Michigan, with an amazing view of the buildings in Chicago.


   We had to rush to the train station after the zoo, so we wouldn't miss the train back to Kenosha.  We didn't know on Saturdays there's two more trains that go to Kenosha.  On Sundays the 4:30 train is the last one from Chicago. We could have stayed longer, but by this time my feet were hurting anyway.  When we got back to Kenosha, I took Korah to Wendy's for dinner and Frostys. 

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