Friday, May 26, 2017

Feelings Hurt

       Emotions: Hurt, Joy, Anger, Disgust. God created them for a reason. To help us enjoy this life more, instead of going through it robotically. So we can really know others through empathy. In this blog I will be focusing on the emotion of hurt.

       Being an extrovert in the body of an introvert can be hard to deal with sometimes. Since I don't have a dominate personality, one that sticks out, I feel forgotten. I do know I'm important and God has big plans for my life, but I can't help wondering what it must feel like to not be forgotten, remembered and loved among most people. How does it feel? When you make plans, and everyone is excited to show up? To be invited to all these places?

       When in a place like this, its hard not to be self-focused on insecurity. To ask yourself, why wasn't I invited to this? Why can't I get a ride to this place? Why does it seem like no one wants to hang out with me? Does it have to do with me? Satan thrives on these thoughts, and tries to feed you with lies, that you can only be freed from by spending time with the Father (God).

      I also recognize in order to reflect Jesus's life, I won't be liked. I'm going to be misunderstood, and mocked. It's okay to feel this emotion of hurt, but dwelling on it causes bitterness and this is bad. It's wrong to strive to ignore it with a front of fake happiness/positivity. To be like Jesus, we must accept all these pains, and love those who hurt us, with no bitterness, but forgiveness.

   Being a sensitive person, I feel a lot, but I also know its sinful to let them control me, have the whole world know which emotion I'm feeling. Being consistent in emotions when you feel a lot is so important, and I feel like I've grown in this a lot. It's just so hard when your brain decides its time to move on from something, and not to let it bother you anymore, you can still feel it. I'm trying to get to the place where they work together, to not feel as easily hurt by everyone. I need to fully understand who I am in God, and not what I am to other people. Most of the time, people are actually unaware that they hurt you, and weren't actually trying to.

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