Wednesday, June 14, 2017


      Who are you? What defines you? To help answer these questions our society uses labels. But labels aren't always helpful, making people have a preconceived idea of who you are, by what the label means to them. Humans are complex, and there's no way one simple label can help define them, even multiple labels. Some labels feel nice, well others may hurt.
         I've been thinking about labels for awhile, and there's one for me that always seem to sting, and that I don't want to define me. That is the label of (quiet/shy/reserved/or introvert). After being seen as the quiet child most of my life, I have made it a personal mission to be more than that. To be a person people get to know, not the quiet reserved girl people have labeled me to be. After making this my mission I have come a long way. I love spending time with people, and talking with them, and for the most part it comes easy. This is why while trying so hard to be this way, and someone then saying "Wow your quiet." It fells like a stab. Like I've taken steps back. Like my progress hasn't been seen.

      In high school it was hard to be anything but your labels, because most people didn't care enough to get to know the real you, but just what you were labeled as. When you're labeled as something for so long, you become to believe it defines you. Luckily going off to college gave me a new beginning, and I was able to start being who I truly was. With a couple slip ups in the beginning with trying to fit in. The school I went to through my church was even more helpful in walking and discovering my true identity as a child of god. This is the only label that matters and is 100 percent true. None of the other things you can be labeled matter, because you can't put a label on God's creation, one that is fitting enough, one that can be described with human words.

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