Wednesday, July 19, 2017

One Church Ministries Conference

       My church is different from other churches, in that once you start going for a couple months, your almost certain to have met most of the people there. The people at my church make sure they get to know you, and not just shallowly. They actually care about how you are doing in your life, and what God is doing in your life, and will be more than happy to be your friend and take you out for coffee.  We get excited for each others lives. My church tries its best to make sure there is no needy person among us. If you need a place to stay, there are families who will take you in. I love that about Living Light.  Even though society may think its weird to take in a person, Living Light makes it normal. Most people my age not from the area, stay at others houses for a season. This builds an even bigger bond between you and the people from the church. It helps you in your character as a person as well, including how to be a big sister to a lot of kids, when you were biologically born the younger sister.

      So that was a long introduction to get to what I actually wanted to write this blogpost on. An annual conference that are family of churches have every year. If you didn't know Living Light currently has three locations in Wisconsin as well as one in Michigan: Racine, Kenosha, Pleasant Prairie, and Cadillac. Almost all the people from these churches go to this conference.  Your one in a very few if you don't end up showing up at this conference. (Another thing I love about Living Light, people take conferences/meetings seriously.) For the last couple years we have met in Merriville Indiana, with this year being in South Bend Indiana. (We also have Living Lights in England and Germany, that have their own conference in winter).

   This was my second year of going to the conference, only being a part of Living Light for 2.5 years, and I was amazed between the difference between this year and last year. Last year I had only known people from the Racine Living Light, and been known by just them. This year after doing the Living Light School of Worship during which I got to know a lot of people from the different congregations, even the Michigan one, I felt like I knew most everybody at the conference, and everybody at the conference mostly knew me. Even people I had forgotten I had met in Cadillac. Being in a room full of almost a thousand people and feeling like you know them, and being known by them is such an amazing incredible feeling. This knowing and being known is probably why half of the church gets invited to weddings. Where a normal wedding would be a few church friends and a lot of biological family, our church weddings are half and half if not more church family then actual family.

  At this conference, you can sit by, and hang out with anyone. and everyone will be more than happy to let you join them. This is what being the church means. The conference is called "One Church Ministries" because of our strong belief in the unity of the church, and everyone who is a follower of Jesus should be of one body. There shouldn't be multiple churches but one mass of believers.

    Living Light is known for its worship times. Being a church where everyone is engaged in worship and jumping around the room. This is because of our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit moves among us, even the people you wouldn't expect to dance are dancing. A room full of 500+ people all dancing with all their might, is a pretty incredible, encouraging sight, and I just hope everyone can find such a great church as I have. One that they can wholeheartedly love and trust. One that matures them in character and ability.

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