Friday, July 21, 2017

The Meanng Behind the Artwork

   At OCM,(the annual conference that my church puts on every summer) I had a hard time sleeping during the night both nights we were in Indiana for the conference. My mind couldn't stay calm after thinking about all the things, that had been said through the teachings. On Saturday night, while laying in my hotel bed God gave me a picture of fireflies, but they weren't in the sky, they were swimming around in the water. Tons of tiny lights in the ocean. It was so beautiful. After God showed me it, I asked God if he could let me experience seeing that in real life. A few minutes later after trying to fall to sleep, I decided that sleeping right then, would have been a losing battle so I went out of the room, and found a quiet part of the hotel on the first floor, and pulled out my Bible. I read part of Acts, stopping to think about the swimming fireflies and what it meant. God had shown me this picture, because it had a meeting, not just to show me something for the reason of its beauty. It was to show that the most beautiful lights can be seen best in the darkness. Our lives as Christians illuminate bright lights in this dark world. Like fireflies we may blend in during the daytime but in the darkness of other's lives, they can see the difference in our lives, and their desperation to have whatever we have, that makes us so unique.
      I looked up something along the lines of swimming fireflies on google images, to see if something like this could even be seen in real life. Instead of seeing shining yellow lights like the light of fireflies, I saw blue shining lights. As blue is my favorite color, this was even more exciting. It turns out in some places in the ocean, there is tiny plankton that glows blue at night.

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