Sunday, January 7, 2018


     Thinking about past memories has reminded me about the amount of friends I have been blessed with. I've had such great friendships.  A lot of very close friendships throughout life, not just shallow ones. I can't choose a best friend. I have too many friendships that are very important to me or were at that point in my life. Being known as one of the outcasts as well as "the quiet girl" in my years of school before college, it didn't seem so probable that this would be the case. But God is a good God, and gifts us things in life. For this blog I'm going to go through most of my close friendships. Leaving out some that may have ended badly. If you're in this, take these words as encouragement, that you have had a significant impact on my life. If your not listed in this blog and are reading it out of curiosity, these are the friends you should have. Enjoy some pictures from my earlier years. ;)

     Starting out with my first friend but also cousin, Kayla. Kayla and I would hang out as much as possible, begging our parents to let us sleepover at each others houses. During the summer we would hang out at least once a week. I remember switching off playing Club Penguin and watching YouTube videos, including Crazy Stick Figure Randomness which I came upon while looking for a Fred video. When we had sleepovers and it was time to go home, we would hide so we wouldn't have to go home, or say that one of was sick and needed to stay. The flaw in that logic was that when you're sick your parents take care of you. We each also had our own collections of dog statues that we would play with together instead of Barbies. You're the only one I know that also collected those. You're hilarious and so kind, and I'm glad we have so many memories together.
      The next person I'm going to mention is Cheyenne. We met on the first day of Middle School. She was sitting alone, and it was as if I was a new student, since none of my friends from Elementary School wanted to be friends anymore. Pursuing popularity instead. (I guess you couldn't be popular if you were friends with me.)  Seeing you alone, and also being lonely I asked if I could join you. You said yes and we silently ate our lunches across the table from each other. When you became friends with others you asked me to join your friend group, where some of my other best friends were founded. You could act crazy but also have a kind compassionate heart and give advice. At some point you became distant from me as if I had upset you in some way but you never told me why. Nevertheless you helped me survive middle school and I enjoyed our Culvers dates and being in choir with you. You never liked getting your picture taken, but I thought I'd post one anyway.
     Alexis. I think that Cheyenne introduced you to me. Since then we have had loads of memories together. I actually think that I met you in 3rd grade at Girl Scouts, but we weren't friends then. I'll never forget the weird crazy parties that ensued in your basement or when I went to youth group at your church at the time. Some of my best memories were made there. You were such a loyal/protective friend. I can't forget the times we played Truth or Dare, or when I watched "Twilight" for the first time in your basement. Also all the YouTube videos we watched together. 
     Alicia: I think our friendship has ended and I'm not really sure what you think of me anymore, but I probably hung out with you more than anyone in middle school and high school. We went so many places together. We had so many inside jokes, and only things we seemed to understand in our weird minds. I remember throwing Pokemon cards at each other and putting pieces of popcorn on pretzel sticks and pretending they were people. We would talk about all the people we didn't like in school with weird code names including: Pegasus, Coconut, and Gak. You were really quiet when I first met you, but we both had a tough time keeping quiet when we were around each other. We wrote notes to each other in class, and made up situations whether fictional or real.
    Liz: You were Alicia's childhood friend and lived a walk away from each other since the 3rd grade. I felt like I was interfering in your friendship, but you both remained close as well. You were quiet as well when I first met you, but talked quite a bit when we were around each other. A memory that pops up when I think of you is us practicing playing volleyball during the summer, as if we had any chance of making the team. I think I went to a volleyball camp that same summer, and absolutely hated it, and was yelled at for being so horrible. They said it would include beginner people learning volleyball but all of them were experts. The sleepovers at your house were some of the best, although pretty crazy as well. I faked sleepwalking at one party. Someone got scared when I sat up in the night. They thought I might be sleeping still so I went along with it. I wasn't a good actor, but everyone got pretty scared like they'd seen a zombie. You are a strong woman with all that you have been through in life, just be confident in that.

     Amber: We met in 6th grade when we turned out to be the only girls taking General Music. Because of this we did projects together, not wanting to pair up with any of the boys. I'm pretty sure when I shared that with you, you said you didn't like me very much back then. We really became close in high school. You had a separate group of friends in middle school. You are still one of my closest friends to this day, and basically the one I keep in contact with most often that went to school with me before college. We usually tag each other or send each other random videos or pictures a couple times a week. I introduced you to my love of Stranger Things, and you introduced me to your love of Bob's Burgers. You thought Stranger Things would be too scary, and I thought Bob's Burgers would be awful, but we both were wrong. We also liked the same type of music, and saw twenty-one-pilots together twice, and Paul McCartney. The first time we saw twenty-one-pilots was in 2013 when no one knew about them yet. (We didn't either, but became obsessed with their music afterwards.)  One memory I have of you was the dance we went to through your church in Sheboygan, I think it was close to New Year's Eve. It was an old-fashioned type of dance where the guys would ask the girls to dance with them. I'm glad that our friendship has survived, and we're able to support and encourage each other. You are an incredibly strong person, who's been through so much. Probably one of the strongest people I know, which inspires me to stay strong as well. One final memory I have of us, is that we were at Dairy Queen trying to eat ice cream but I was laughing too hard. There was a young child staring at me weirdly and I couldn't stop giggling. Then you'd look at me once the child was gone  and I'd resume laughing. 
   Hazuki: I was throwing a party at the end of summer and invited one of my friends along. This friend had just gotten an exchange student and asked if she could bring her. I agreed, and there you were. You didn't say a lot the first time we met, due to not knowing much English at all. The 10 months you were in Wisconsin however you became really good at it. We became pretty inseparable those 10 months that you were here, and people mistook you for being my exchange student because of this. We would never get tired of each other, and I wanted to see you as much as humanly possible because you just got me so well. You also helped me survive gym class. I remember the teacher assigned us groups for warm ups, but one day I decided I would be in your group, and the teacher never noticed. I would also sneak into the band practice rooms during my studyhall to spend time with you and watch you play piano. Singing one direction songs, who I knew nothing about until you told me about them. I remember making cupcakes at midnight with you during a sleepover. We also got matching necklaces that spelled Best Friends, so when you went back to Japan we'd think of each other. It was so hard when you left but our friendship is still there. We each sent each other Christmas cards this year. In the first couple years we would send each other things for Christmas and birthdays. You came back for a month 2 years later after I had graduated high school and our friendship was still strong and I believe it'd still be strong after 6 years of knowing each other. I will never forget how we jumped in a lake fully clothed after going ziplining. You loved doing scary things. When you first asked me to go ziplining I was terrified, but it was great. 
Christian: You sat in front of me in Spanish class, my sophomore year. When it was time to do games we would just goof off with Kelsey Berg, and Katie Hart. We had so much fun in that class. I remember falling off of my chair laughing at one of the cheesy videos that was played in Spanish. Fast forward one year, we didn't keep in touch over that year. I asked you to come to Prom with me as friends. Not actually thinking you would agree, since we didn't know each other much back then. But you did, and made sure it would be a great experience. I remember you asking me throughout the night if I was having a good time. I really couldn't have asked for a better prom date. You are such a genuine, caring person. After this experience we became great friends. We made a YouTube channel where we did strange challenges and basically vlogged. We also went to youth group at a local church. I remember how one summer day we had a sort of picnic in your backyard. I also remember putting cucumbers over my eyes and having you take a pictures, or maybe it was a selfie during Spanish class. (We had Spanish together again my senior year, and you sat in front of me again). When I went off to college and we hadn't seen each other we met up for coffee and it was so uplifting and encouraging. I hope I can see you soon, even though you live so many states away now. You are also a very sassy person, and I kind of miss having that in my life. 
   Camara: We met when we were both on Stage Crew for Cinderella. You introduced yourself to me and we instantly became friends after that. During intermission we would sit in the thrones, and pretended to be king and queen. Unfortunately when we met, it was your last year of high school since you were two years older than I was. You somehow got the nickname Mom. You brought joy with you wherever you went, and I remember one time smiling so big when I came to pick you  up once because I was so excited to get to spend time with you. When you did go off to college, we still would hang out during the summers.  We even had a picnic at a park. The food we had included: Big Macs and super horrible grape soda from the dollar store. Seeing Phantom of the Opera together in Milwaukee was so much fun, as well as the time we spent at Summerfest. 

Julia: You introduced yourself to me one night during musical practice my Junior Year. After you introduced yourself to me you told me to take care of Phyllis, a unicorn shaped eraser. You got along with everyone, and were the most Christlike person I knew in high school. Never holding grudges, complaining, or angry.  You were so patient and loving towards people. I don't think there was anyone who didn't like you. You were so fun to be around and adventurous. I remember you made me pull over so you could get the ball that got kicked across the road and roll it back across the street. You were also super strong even though I believe you were shorter, and had the ability to pick me up, which became our thing when taking pictures. No one had ever tried to pick me up before since I'm taller, but you didn't hesitate.  One of my best memories was us going down to Illinois to your grandparents house for the weekend. A house right on the lake. We skipped rocks across the ice and it made the weirdest noise. That night we did activities all night at a local church to bring in the New Year. We were able to take a short nap on New Years Day, but were completely exhausted during school the next day. Just like I called Camara mom, you called me mom. You insisted I called you son. So when we saw each other in the hallway you'd shout mom and I'd shout son! back at you. You moved to Utah during my Senior Year at high school, but one day you visited as I was napping on the couch at home and came right in and sat on me to wake me up. 

Angela: We actually met through a Facebook group even though we went to the same school together. After making funny remarks on a thread we decided to hang out. Once school started we became pretty close. You would make me heart pancakes for breakfast after sleep overs. I also remember having a snowball fight during one winter where there was a lot of snow. It was so much fun and nostalgic. You were very childlike and energetic, always bringing fun situations wherever you went. One of my favorite memories of you is when you came over to my house and we played charades, and we just laughed so hard. I also remember eating cookie dough with you while we watched the theatre people do a preview of Beauty and the Beast. Another great moment was after going to Festival of Lights we went over to Culvers and took one of the coloring pages of Scoopie and colored him in. Mine ended up having blood shot eyes, and blood I think... I left it at the table with one of the cashier's name's on it. They probably thought of it as a threat, which was not my intention. :p

Laurette: Going to college was like a new beginning in my life, which was both scary and exciting. Going to a school with no one from high school to lean on. It turned out to be really great though. I met you during Ranger Welcome, which is where all the Freshman do activities together for the day. We could pick which activity we wanted to do, and I picked flamingo painting. (The others on my dorm floor decided to do sports.) I met you on the way while you were hanging out with an Australian exchange student. I got both of your numbers after decorating the flamingo to hang out with you, because I really enjoyed your company. You carried a positive attitude everywhere you went, and excitement for the little things. Throughout the years we set up a ton of activities, some being completely spontaneous but you would be down for it. We only went to college together for one year sadly, but I'm so blessed to still call you a great friend. Thanks for being there, and accompanying me to random events, including meeting Tyler Oakley, and seeing Troye Sivan. You are such a tough person. Training for track season, and following your passion to become a Marine. Thanks for also accompanying me to the Cru retreats. It was really great to have you there with me at both, even though you're horrible to share a bed with. I was only half on the bed most nights. :) I love how we get mistaken as a lesbian couple in most places despite not acting like one.
   Jeremy: I met you at the Christian group on campus. I finally got the information on where it was held and at what time. I went with one of the people from my dorm floor. You were one of the greeters and you smiled so big. I didn't have a very good first impression of you because of that. I thought you were an overexcited Jesus Freak, but I guess that's both me and you since I started to follow Jesus for real. At the beginning of college I believed in God and sought him out but wasn't really following him. I got saved at the beginning of October my freshman year. Before that however I got invited to a frat party by a guy I didn't know. That same day you came to my dorm floor where I was hanging out in the lounge, and invited me to a bible study. I had a choice. Go to the frat party or the bible study. I chose correctly and went to the bible study. Who knows what would of happened to me had I gone to the frat party. I got saved the next weekend from when I went to Cru, after I chose to go on the Fall Retreat. This is where we bonded over twenty-one-pilots (not many people knew about them then). You introduced me to a lot of great music throughout the year and a half. We got really close and started doing tons together. You even began going to my church despite your church being right behind mine. We told each other everything, which may have landed us to the downfall of our friendship. Talking about everything, leaving out no details, talking for hours on Twitter into the late hours of the night. We spent too much one on one time together, which is a dangerous thing to do unless you were dating. A lot of people told us how they wished we would be in a relationship which added extra stress on our friendship. I will not forget the memories we shared, and am sad that our friendship had to end. Times with you were filled with fun and laughs. I'm glad I got to go on a trip with you and your family to your annual church conference in Pennsylvania. 

    Courtney: I think Laurette introduced me to you after being on the cross country/track team together. You were always full of joy as well. I don't think I ever saw you not joyful. After a year of living in Kenosha, I discovered downtown Kenosha because of you. You took me to Common Grounds and told me to try the Raspberry Chai Tea Latte, and I order it every single time I go there now. It's so good. I also went on the lake-walk along Lake Michigan for the first time with you. You held a bible study one year at Parkside, and if I could wake up from my nap in time I'd go to it. It was full of so much fruit. Probably one of my favorite if not my favorite bible study I've been to. You were also brought encouragement everywhere you went, and showed excitement to everyone you met. You were also so bold. There was a playground close to your yard and in the park a guy sat and played guitar. You wrote about him and left the note on the bench when he left.(a poem).  He came back and set the note aside not knowing what you had written. I think you went out and told him to read it. I loved the mornings we spent together worshiping Jesus at Trae's house. Those held some of my greatest memories. I remember you going door to door with Ethan in search for butter to make mac and cheese that you had found in Trae's pantry. You would send me texts just to see how I was, always with multiple exclamation points. Even though we haven't hung out in over a year I value your friendship so much. 

Kelsey: Shortly after meeting Courtney I met you through her I think. You are such a sweet and pretty lady. I love going to your house, it feels so homey. Country house, with a horse barn with goats and chickens. With three dogs and a cat in the house. One dog expected attention constantly, when you weren't petting her she would give you a depressed look like she hadn't been petted in her life, then you'd give in and keep petting her. I also really enjoyed our long spiritual talks and our love for Jesus. You always have the best meals at your house, even though everything is really healthy and organic. It was just a joy to spend time with you. You didn't like getting your picture taken so here's one that was taken secretly. I think I was in the middle of chewing at the time. I just want you to know I genuinely think your really pretty. 

  Huiying: You were the best roommate I've ever had. The day I first saw you, you barely knew any English since you were from China. I remember expecting to just know it, and speaking really fast at you the first time we talked and you looked so confused. Your English skills grew incredibly fast, and we were able to have a great friendship. All of my other roommates I only knew superficially. With us we hung out a lot, and talked. It was so fun experiencing the Chinese New Year parade with you, even though it was so cold and snowy that day. (perks of having a foreign roommate.) Since I went with you and the other international student there, I was mistaken for being foreign, specifically Polish. Going to Six Flags and showing you Kenosha was a lot of fun. 

Faille: I don't actually remember how/when we met. Share with me if you remember. It was probably because we were in the same church together, and saw each other at an event or something. Being your roommate for OCM two years in a row was so much fun, I'm sad that they canceled this year so we can't keep the tradition going. I love that you are a thoughtful and artistic friend. If we're at an event together I can always rely on you as someone to talk to. I'm grateful for dinner dates with you, as well as movie theatre dates. We make each other laugh, and I consider you one of my closest friends in this season of my life. 

   Ani: We met through being on the School of Worship together. I think the first time I saw you, you were wearing black leather pants. You always looked so cool, it was a look I couldn't pull off, but fit you so well. You did not like dresses at all. You were probably the person I was closest to on the school, and I loved hanging out with you, and complaining about how bad we were at ear training, and keyboarding. You are such a caring,helpful person. When I was struggling with guitar, you stayed after school to teach me some things, and I got better. You taught me a lot while you were here in the US, and were full of encouragement. You had a painful life, but God kept you alive for a reason, and I'm so glad you trusted in him. I could not contain my excitement when you came for a weekend in October. 

  Manu: I was talking to Grace when I first met you. Grace was telling me how she was afraid of being away from her family after living with them her whole life. They only lived 25 minutes away. You laughed since you were a long ways away from Germany. You are such a great friend, and I loved sharing life with you. I could speak my mind to you, and you would just uplift and encourage me. A lot of people didn't seem to understand you, since you were loud and brought hard truths to people. But I loved that about you. I was so excited when we were assigned to be roommates for our Cadillac trip. You would just pray whenever you felt like it. Before bed, before breakfast, anywhere. You heard God so clearly and were obedient to him, and that inspired me. I guess we inspired each other. I loved your obnoxious sneeze, and miss your incredible laugh. I remember in Cadillac at Raylins when we danced around the fire chanting gibberish with sticks in our hands. We always did things that didn't make any sense but brought joy to people. I always feel so much better after spending time with you. I couldn't contain my excitement when you came for a few weeks in October.

Kaitlyn: One of the first few days of the School of Worship we had a random conversation about things, having only met once before. I didn't recognize you until you told me you were at a prayer meeting at the Pleasant Prairie Living Light. Even though we barely knew each other then you treated me with such kindness and as if we had been already been close friends. One of the first times we talked you said you looked at me and just knew you wanted to be my friend. I was insecure at the School of Worship being in a place with 20 strangers. We were assigned mentors at the school, and you were assigned to be mine. I was thrilled. You were there to help me with so many things. Saying scripture out loud, praying to God together. Everything. You are such a thoughtful person. We met together pretty much every week. I would tell you my struggles or share good things with you, and if it was a struggle we'd talk through it together. I would often cry things out, but that didn't matter to you. You show the love of Christ when you're around people, and I feel so loved by you, even if we haven't gotten the chance to hang out in awhile. I feel the love even when we're apart, knowing it will be so good when we actually do find a time to hang out. Besides my brothers marriage, your wedding is the one I'm most excited about. 

Macheala: I had always seen you at church events, but never thought much of it. After the OCM conference you asked me to hang out, and we just became close. I've only really known you a short time, but I'm so blessed to have you as a great friend now. It was totally unexpected a friendship like this would come into my life. I enjoy discussing God's word with you, and what he's been doing in our lives. You're really good at comforting people. I feel so cared for, and encouraged. I like that I can make you laugh. I'm looking forward to so much more memories ahead, and deep discussions. I will also enjoy seeing you at church each week. Unfortunately, Macheala  and I don't have a picture together, and she has deleted her Facebook for the time being so I dug this picture up. Machaela is the one on the right. 

Honorable mentions: Even if you are not listed in above in a paragraph I consider your friendship important in my life. These people include: Nicole Naden, Trae Beem, Milly Garvin, Jessica Ellenbecker, Caroline Squire, Kelsey Berg,Mike Reno, Megan Heinrich. and all the people on the School of Worship with me. 


  1. You have grown up so fast, and I have never been so proud of anyone like I have you. You helped me at a time I needed you. I went silent for a long time, for I was in a dark place in my life, and I closed everyone out for years. I lived like a recluse until this year before
    Christmas. I woke up and realized I was tired of being sad and I wanted my life back. So for the first time in 12 years, I got in my car and drove down by my family. It floored everyone., I'm a work in progress. Remember that you will always be my special angel, and you can text me anytime. Would you like to help me set up my VICTIMS OF CIRCUMSTANCES, SURVIVORS OF LIFE? That would be great.

    1. Hi Debbie, so great to hear from you. I know it helps me when someone tells me about their struggles so I was hoping it would inspire some people to see that post. I really appreciate the encouragement and am so glad you came down to see your family. They care about you a whole lot. God loves you even when your in a bad place, and you feel like your not doing enough. He sees you and your struggles and loves you whole heartedly!
