Sunday, August 19, 2018

It's been almost 3 years now, and I wonder if you still think about me,
I think of you quite a bit.
I try to think of you in a non-bitter way.
The happiness you brought,
The memories we made.
We thought nothing would pull us apart.
And when it did I tried to pick up the pieces
You left them where they were.
But maybe it's Better this way.
At least I try to convince myself of that.
I fell to deep, and you weren't there to catch me this time.
You let me fall, and I didn't even see the moment you walked away.
You were long gone when I noticed.
I'm still left to question,
If that had never happened where'd we be.
Would you have grown any older
3 years has felt like 10 for me.
19 then but at least 29 now.
Or would you still be the same.
Did God.protect me from you,
Or were you only meant to stay for a season.
After all this time
I loved you,  and I love you,
And I still wish you the best.
  From: A best friend of the past

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