Monday, May 18, 2020

One of the Things I Miss the Most: Concerts

     Every introduction to anything during this pandemic has made mention of the pandemic, and this is no different since it's why I'm writing this post. It's an effect of something the pandemic has caused. The cancellation of mass gatherings. If I knew back in December that, that would be my last concert for awhile maybe I would have done more. What does awhile actually mean? Will concerts ever even return to normal? If they don't, would I ever be able to afford to go to another concert.

    It's weird how before this pandemic occurred no one was really afraid to get close to each other. You are in a close proximity with tons of people at a concert and no one thought twice about that, besides the fact someone may be invading your space or maybe all the people close together was creating a higher temperature in the room. There really wasn't much worry about how the person next to us might pass us their germs, at least I never really worried about that. I guess it's similar for sports fans gathering in stadiums, or seeing a show at a theatre. I pray that within a shortish amount of time things will be able to go back to full capacity, and there won't always be restrictions, but this may be wishful thinking.

     Will celebrities still do meet n' greets or would the risk be to high, and giving multiple hugs or handshakes, or taking pictures with fans will be a thing of the past. I have a lot of questions, but I guess they'll all be answered in time, and I can look back at this post, knowing all the answers to these questions. Like will people at concerts have to socially distance themselves from each other. A smaller crowd of people all at least 6 feet of part just listening to music instead of the typical concert experience. Singing back the lyrics to the musicians, and dancing with each other, following the instructions of the musicians. The musicians parting the crowds as they walk through. Is that all a thing of the past? With social distancing in place at least for a little while, will that cause concert tickets to sky rocket, since only a certain amount of people are allowed to go to these concerts, and it has to be enough to be worth it for the musicians to not lose out on money.
     Lastly I'd like to take a moment to mention God in this post. How if concerts as I knew them and loved them has to be a sacrifice I make in life then I will. If I have to give up concert forever or for a long time then I guess I am glad to do it . He makes every sacrifice worth it, and God has been teaching us a lot about sacrifices throughout this pandemic. Sacrifices of social interaction, sacrifices of food selection, sacrifices of going to different places, etc. As I reflect on concert I'll share a couple of photos from concerts taken last year.

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