Thursday, September 17, 2020

Things are Changing

      A lot of things have changed as a result of 2020. I feel like I've grown up a lot due to the circumstances. It's been a long year. I've interviewed for different jobs, I got my Bachelor's in Psychology, I moved in with a lady from church only to have to leave in March. I had to file for unemployment for the first time and moved back home from Mid March to the end of September. It was a really good time, but now it's time for me to rent my first apartment in Kenosha.

      I had wanted to get back to Kenosha eventually, but in 2020 everything is so uncertain, I applied for a part-time job for extra income at Bath and Body Works. I got the job, even though I was upfront and honest with her. That this job was for extra income, that I eventually wanted to make the move back to Kenosha, etc Within a week of working at Bath and Body Works, I was asked to interview at a Kenosha high school as an aide. Earlier in the summer I had interviewed with two other schools, who went with other candidates. When interviewing for this job I didn't think I would get the position either. I felt like if I were competing for a job against other potential candidates they weren't likely to choose me.  I was wrong and was offered the job right before the Kenosha riots. The Kenosha riots brought more uncertainty as well as the question of where I would live if I did get the job, and did they hire me out of desperation? I was half way hoping they would change their mind, so I didn't have to disappoint Bath and Body Works and leave shortly after getting hired there. It would be a lot more simple to stay where I am and continue to do what I had for months.I feel like it's going to take getting used to not constantly being around family, and seeing my grandma weekly.  

    However, I prayed for clarity and that's what God did. On the same day I was officially offered the job, I got accepted for my 1st apartment. Not only that, but after talking to a girl from church it was made even more clear. She had worked at Hilcrest the last four years, and knew God was doing things within that school. It doesn't seem like an easy job, and  I am a little anxious but God calls us to do hard things sometimes, and I trust him. He will give me the strength to do this, because he has called me to do it. Through him I will be able to help some of these teenagers get their lives back on track. I feel overwhelmed with all the changes happening, but know I'll be okay once I am settled. 

   God has also taught me about patience. I am patient within my personality and in situations, but not within life events. I wanted a new job, once I got my degree, but the process took awhile. I wanted to live on my own, but that also took sometime. If you're patient however things do fall into place, because he works things together for out good. Although I want things to happen in my life more quickly then they have, I'll keep waiting on God's timing for my life. 

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