Friday, April 16, 2021

Kentucky Trip (Part 2)

      On Tuesday we headed out early again, in order to get to the Creation Museum when it first opened. Again it was a really nice day. Although the Creation Museum wasn't quite as cool as the ark replica it was still worth seeing. The Creation Museum had a lot of exhibits which showed the biblical view on things, as well as the Evolution or Scientific view of things. The exhibits go in order of the 7 C's of Christianity. Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. 

    These exhibits also answered questions I didn't know I had about "The Bible". Like why didn't the animals go after each other before the fall? The answer to this question is because there were no carnivores before the fall. The humans didn't need to hunt animals in order to keep from getting hungry, and the animals didn't have the urge to prey on other animals. Through the exhibits I also discovered that the first animal sacrifice happened right after Adam and Eve had sinned and tried to cover themselves up with the leaves and figs, God sacrificed an animal in order for them to cover up themselves with the hide. It is in "The Bible" but I never realized that, that was the first time an animal had been killed. They had a whole exhibit dedicated to catastrophe/destruction in the world which was really moving. On one of the exhibit doors a message was scratched saying "the world's not safe anymore" and the exhibit also had a lot of screens switching between different dark things in the world. (Nazi's, starvation, drug addiction, etc. ) One of the exhibits went through how we tend to think that the first people were stupid and cavemanlike when they were actually pretty brilliant, and used amazing architecture techniques. Just think of Noah's Ark, or the look of ancient architecture like the pyramids. I have included pictures of different exhibits I took pictures of that answered questions I had or that I thought were cool. Outside the creation museum there were paths, one had a garden with a koi fish pond, and a cherry blossom tree. 

    After exploring the Creation Museum we ate lunch and rested once again. You can fully get through both the ark replica and Creation Museum in 2- 2.5 hours without rushing. That evening I thought it would be a fun idea to go to Cincinnati since the part of Kentucky we were in was very close to there. However, before going into Cincinnati we hit traffic and a 25min drive turned into 40min. We stopped at Findlay market which turned out to be in a sketchier part of the city. I explored the shops around and then we sat outside to enjoy the weather and drank our separate drinks. Mine being an iced caramel latte, After the Findlay Market we went to Eden Park. A park that is located on a hill and overlooks Kentucky. The park also contains a reflecting pool and fountain. The part where you can look over at Kentucky was pretty crowded so we could only get rushed pictures as we drove past. We drove back into Kentucky and I took pictures of the Cincinnati skyline on a bridge back to Kentucky from the car. We got ice cream once we were back in Kentucky since the ice cream place I wanted to explore was closed on Tuesdays in Cincinnati. 

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