Sunday, November 20, 2022

God Used a Will Ferrel Movie to Speak to Me

    I went to the movie theatre last night and saw the movie "Spirited". "Spirited" is kind of like a modern version of "A Christmas Carol". Going in I didn't expect much from the movie. It's a Christmas movie, and Christmas movies are usually okay or not good except for a select few. The Christmas Carol has also been redone so many times, but I was actually impressed by this movie. 

   This movie is about the ghost of Christmas past, present, and future working on redeeming people like what happened with Scrooge. He was a mean, horrible man stuck in his ways, but he was able to changed. In the movie he is described as one who seemed unredeemable.  The movie follows another guy who is considered "unredeemable" in the modern world. Spoiler Alert: the man becomes redeemed, and there's a big celebration. In it also one of the characters questions if he actually was redeemed, due to all the things he had done. 

  The message I got from it, is not the message Hollywood intended. God used this movie as a depiction of the gospel to me. Before we come to God we are unredeemed, but through God's choosing of our lives, and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross we are redeemed. The devil might come in and try to convince us we actually aren't redeemed, but the truth is that we are and that's a lie. No matter what we have done in the past 

   God spoke this so clearly to me, and today at church other prophetic words came about the gospel and being redeemed through the cross. It's encouraging to know God spoke the same message he was speaking to me to other people as a way of letting me know I was actually hearing him. It's so amazing to know that God can speak to people today, and use all different means of doing so in order to accomplish this. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great message you received and then to have another member of your church basically have that same message come to him, but in a different way. Beautiful ❤️
