Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 Reflection Post

 Brought in 2022 playing board games and with lots of laughter. The rest of January I dealt with a lot of healing from some traumatic things I dealt with in my last job (Hillcrest). (I thought being out of that job I would feel better right away but I had some healing to do.)

February I started a new job at Caravel which has been a huge blessing. I saw my brother as a lead actor in a play, and then the next weekend went to Milwaukee to see my sister-in-law perform in a different play. I celebrated my golden birthday and turned 26.

In March I attended a virtual meet n greet to meet the members of Phantom Planet, and the lead singer remembered me from when I went to Los Angeles to see Ryan Ross. 

In April I celebrated Easter and saw Xeno in concert with my family, and I got new glasses. 

In May I saw a play that my sister-in-law had directed in Kenosha. I attended the 50s theme songwriting showcase put on by the School of Worship. I got cast in my first play Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. (Although it was later canceled I now feel confident I can actually memorize lines and perform in a play in the future.) I went up North with my parents for the first time in 10 years. 

In June I went to the School of Worship graduation. Attended Kaitlyn's baby shower. Gave my testimony at homegroup. Mom and Dad visited Kenosha for Father's Day, and new elders were set into my church. I went to Sarah and Daniel's wedding, and met Sarah Shanahan for the first time. 

In July I went to Summerfest with Mary and Megan and their cousin Becca. We had Collectivo Coffee for lunch and saw King and Country. Went to Hayward for vacation with my parents, and did some fishing. We had a cottage near Nelson Lake. We also visited relatives who lived in Northern WI. 

In August I got a hair relaxer put in my hair to get rid of the hair frizz and tame my curls a little.  I attended Green Lake with my church family. I helped paint the Racine building where the new location of the School of Worship would move to. I went to Madison by myself to see iDKHOW in concert. 

In September I went on a family trip back to Hayward to celebrate my great uncle and aunts surprise 50th wedding anniversary. A lot of relatives all went up to Hayward and stayed at the same campground to be able to hang out with each other. We took our dog Drake for his first public camping trip. In September I also switched homegroups in order to help out my friends Trae and Machaela with Cru (a Christian club) at the UW Parkside campus.  This included 6 weeks of 1 day of fasting and prayer that continued into October to pray for campus. In September I also saw MCR live in concert with my friend Faille and went to the Chicago Botanical Gardens. I got to see Faille and Brian's new house in Racine and have a movie night there. I also got promoted at my job. 

In October I went to a baby shower for my friend Machaela for her 2nd baby. I did a little fall photoshoot with my friend Liz. I met Veronica through Cru and started taking her to church. I had a movie night at my house and met my friend Lizzie Milwaukee to have dinner at The Birch. 

In November Phil came to visit from Germany and we had dinner in Chicago together to catch up. I saw the movie Spirited with Mary and Megan. I celebrated Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving. 

In December there was a Cru Christmas party at Trae and Machaela's. My church put on a Christmas program called Tidings.  Celebrated Sarah's birthday at Red Robin. Celebrated Christmas with my old homegroup on the 20th. Went to a movie night at Sarah's. Celebrated Christmas with both sides of my family, and today I got manicure and will celebrate welcoming in the new year at my friend Morgan's house at a formal NYE party. 


I spent a lot of Friday nights playing volleyball with the Young Adult's from my church. Spent a lot of hours working at Caravel with kids 2-6 years old with Autism, and attended church most Sundays being involved with Kid's Work and Communion. 

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