Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Question I get A lot

    There's a question I've been getting a lot lately since I've become a stronger Christian, and it hurts a little.  I know people aren't trying to hurt me when they ask this question, but it can sting a little.  This question is "Why does church make you so happy, why are you so obsessed with God?"  or a question that questions how strong of a believer I am.

    When did it become the norm not to praise God?  When did it become the norm to instead have teenagers lose themselves in other things?  Why is it the norm for teenagers to go out and party and drink on Friday nights.  When being so in love with God become a questioned thing.  It didn't used to be this way.  It should be the other way around that it's seen as weird to go out and drink, but it's not and this is the world we live in. People don't understand the greatness I feel when at a church service or just worshipping God on my own time, unless they're like me too.

   Even our youth group on campus, doesn't get treated the same as other organizations on campus.  We don't get all the other opportunities as all the other organizations on campus, because they are afraid of us for being a Christian organization.
  The enemy (Satan) is trying to hurt God, by taking people who could be saved, and making them full into a pit of desires of the flesh.  Satan is hurting God by taking some of the souls that could be saved and bringing them to him.  One of the signs of the second coming of Jesus, is a world with disinterest in Christianity and God.  We have, and are becoming that more and more each day.  


  1. I have a feeling you wrote this one because on Saturday I told you "to have fun at church on Sunday" and then laughed when we were saying our good-byes and you said, "what? Why are you laughing?" I did laugh, not because I don't understand how much it means to you, but because in my head I was thinking, how many Mom's tell their 19 year old daughters in college to enjoy Church? It is sad that its definitely not the "norm" to say that and most Mom's are telling their kids to behave and not go too crazy Saturday night in hopes that they "won't miss church on Sunday because they will likely be too hungover instead." So, yes, it definitely was strange for me to say that to you at your age, but it wasn't because I was "laughing at you". I couldn't be more proud of how you've really embraced your Faith!

    1. It made me think about it, but it wasn't directed toward you. A ton of people look at me like I'm crazy when I invite them to Cru, or its taboo to even talk about Christianity here at Parkside, and it upsets me that it has to be that way, and that everyone is missing out on so much, and mentally breaking themselves apart.
