Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Weekly Prayer Chain

    I guess the best ideas come to my head, when I should be sleeping.  (I decided to start my homework at 12:30, got distracted and now here we are at almost 4am).  (I guess I might need prayers to get through tomorrow, I did take a night nap and woke up at 12:30)

   My idea was to list all the things each week that people need help praying for, and update it throughout the week as more prayers come in.  That way it can be sort of like a prayer chain, instead of only one or two people praying about a certain issue. So heres this week's list :D Please help us pray for these people.  I'm hoping to make a new list each week, of new prayers or progress of situations.

1) After so many weeks of being super happy, I broke down a little bit yesterday.  So I just pray that yesterday will be the only time in a long time that,that happens.  (A psychological study actually said if you feel really happy for a long period you need to feel sad to balance it out,so maybe that's what that was). But I'd much rather not feel like that again if possible :D

2) I pray for my summer once again, some things I don't agree with right now, but I know God will do whatever he needs me to do this summer.

3) I just pray for my future career path.  People ask me what I'm majoring in and I just tell them International Studies so I have an answer.  I really don't know if it's the right path for me.  My friend Jeremy's having a similar problem.  He can't stand his major or any of the classes hes in.  So I just pray that God puts him on the right path, and he would be happy with whatever God chooses for him.  
4) I would also like to pray for Jeremy's grandparents,  His grandpa had to go to the hospital recently.  He's out of the hospital now, but still needs help with things, and his grandma is holding all of this stress with her, and hasn't been able to sleep.

5) I pray for Jeremy's mom's new job.  She got a new job teaching at a school with very little discipline and education.  It seems like she had to start from scratch at this new job.

6) I pray for Jeremy's dad's basement that flooded during the storm, almost 2 weeks ago now.  They had just redone the flooring.  So I pray that they can fix the source of the problem.

7) I pray for the last few weeks of school, as everything is wrapping up and there's a lot of chaos with final projects and exams.

8) I pray for my aunt and uncle Bonnie and Bruce who have been experiencing a ton of bad luck financially as well as with their health.  That they would have some great things happen in their life soon.
9) I pray for my grandma (Nana) who's had trouble sleeping recently because of having pain in her legs, that she is able to get some rest, and be healed of some of the pain she is experiencing.

10) I pray for my dog Luke, who is getting up there in age.  My family and I hope he at least makes it to his 13th birthday in July.  He's been such a great dog, and hes been there since I was pretty young, so its kind of sad for me to know, he doesn't have much longer.

11) Jeremy's grandma is now in the hospital as well, but is doing alright except for not being all mentally there, because of her husband's health problems.

-If you need something to be prayed for, let me know and I'll add it to the list.


  1. Very nice Alex. As we both know, prayer chains do amazing things. I will definitely pray for you (as always) and everything going on with Jeremy's family. I will also pray for all of you at school finishing the year and trying to get everything done.

    I would ask that everyone please say a prayer for my sister Bonnie and her husband Bruce that their bad luck comes to an end and their health issues get resolved.

    Please also pray for Nana who hasn't been sleeping at night because of all the pain in her legs at night and all of her other health problems.

    And lastly, please pray for our dog Luke that he at least makes it to see his 13th birthday in July.

  2. Strength to get through these last few weeks of school! I broke down last night too. It's getting tough!
