Monday, December 21, 2015

A Lovely Weekend December 19th-21st

Saturday December 21st:  I wrapped presents with my mom, and we got most of them done.  That night I went to a Christmas party at Lizzy and Anna's friend Alyssa's house in West Bend.  Once everyone arrived at the party we went to Regner Park where there was a Christmas light show going on. (Enchantment in the Park).  There were around 17 of us so some of us walked through the park, and the others drove.  I thought it would be more fun to walk through.  I had never been to a Christmas light show before.  Even though it was very cold that night, and I had thighsicles by the end, I loved it.  I was really excited at the beginning. Lizzy, her friend Stephanie and I took a lot of pictures. Including:
We took some more pictures, but these were the ones that turned out the best.  Once we got properly frozen we decided to go back to Alyssa's house for some apple cider and punch.  We then played Christmas Charades and Catch Phrase.   I usually somehow ended up on the team that won :D Except for one game.  Before playing Catch Phrase there was a crazy sock contest.  I thought I would win because I had hamburger socks that Hazuki had given me, but sadly it wasn't enough to win. :P The night was finished off by the movie "Elf"  I was actually wearing my "Elf" shirt that day ironically. 

Sunday December 20th:  I woke up early to drive down to Racine to go to church and visit Mike, Laurette, and Trae.  Mike would be in town as well.  The church message was about Christmas, but the speaker, Dustan put a funny twist on it.  It was probably the most interesting talk I have heard on Christmas.  I also liked how he had slides of what Christians think happened during the Christmas story, but how we can't actually be sure of it.  Like in "The Bible" it says there were three gifts that were given to Jesus, but never if there were three wise men.  There could of been more or less wise men.  He also talked about what the manger could of looked like, and how Mary got to Bethlehem.  None of these things are really described in the story of Christmas.  During the break Jeremy's sister visited.  Her church gets out when Living Light is having a break between worship and the message.  She talked about how her brother had performed in a play at her church as a shepherd in a musical version of the Christmas story.  (So cute!).  Trae also discovered Mike and I, we were trying kind of to surprise him.  He noticed us before we could sneak up behind him.;D It was nice to catch up with him.  I also got to meet the lovely Arwin (a little girl that goes to our church, that apparently made the best fort with Trae :P).  
    After church Mike and I picked up Laurette and we all went to lunch at Main Moon restaurant, which is a Chinese place in Racine, and caught up with each other.  Then Mike had to leave, so Laurette and I went to a coffee/tea shop.  It was really fancy actually.  They had coffees from all around the world.  They also had tea diffuser things, where they put the flavoring and leaves in then they give you a timer so you know when to push down the leaves.  (Some of you probably have seen those before and probably think its funny that I was so intrigued by it).  I had a herbal chamomile lemon tea.  I have so much to learn about teas yet.  Still trying to decide if I'm a tea person.  After the coffee/tea shop it was time for Laurette to go to work.  I looked around her place of work for a bit (CVS Pharmacy) then headed home.
    Before I went home I went to my brother's new house which is actually about a mile down the road from us for a Packer Party.  It was the third quarter when I got there.  It was the first time I sat down and relaxed at that house.  It used to be my dad's mom's house.
Monday December 21st:  Met up with Christian at Starbucks this afternoon for coffee and sandwiches, while we had a great hour and a half talk, catching up on things.  Christian is doing so many things it's crazy.  He is so genuinely happy though.  I'm so happy about that.  He says that he can't wait to be grown up, and is excited to see what exciting things happen for all of his friends. (I don't know how often, if ever I've heard a college kid say they're excited to grow up/adult) :P  It seems like college is going really well for him.  I love seeing him so positive about things.  High school really stops you from being who you really are.  I'm glad college has let the real side of Christian and I come out.  :) I'm glad that he's in my life still, even though our colleges are so far apart from each other.  Some people you just lose contact with after high school.  

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