Wednesday, January 27, 2016


1) When you're ready to buy something in a store, but no one is at the counter to help you so you have to awkwardly stand there, or pretend to look at other things.

2) When you order food at a restaurant, and don't like the food, so when the waiter/waitress asks you if you like it you lie, because you don't want to be "that" person.

3) Staring at someone awkwardly while walking past them while trying to figure out if they're the person you think they are, by the time you figure it out, it's too late.  They're creeped out. (If I've stared at you weirdly, I'm sorry. :S)

4) Not being able to form sentences correctly and saying the wrong thing.  For example I once told someone I had a dad.....

5) When you go shopping with your mom, and you're standing in line, and your mom remembers something she had forgotten.  So you have to wait there awkwardly hoping she'll be back before it's time to pay.

6) When people ask you if you're okay and you're not, so you have to decide if you want to tell them the truth.

7) When you've barely eaten anything all day and show up at someone's place with food, and you disgustingly stuff your face

8) Meeting someone many times but forgetting their names, or face.  (Sometimes I don't actually know if I met someone or not because I don't recognize them, sorry:  This is mostly a shout out the people of my church)

9) Needing something to wipe your face off with, and using a Kleenex but the Kleenex is full of lotion or Vicks.

10) When your in a store and multiple people ask you if you need any help and you wonder if it's good customer service or you genuinely look very confused all the time.

11) Having naturally curly hair, and going to a mall, and always having a person try to sell you a straightener.

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