Saturday, February 6, 2016

1st Week Back

Sunday January 31st

    Woke up at 6:15 and left the house at 7 to meet Trae, Felicia, Mike, and Petr for breakfast at 8:30 at Roberts Roost.  It was so fun, Trae and I were making jokes the whole time.  Joking about how I eat my pancake, how Trae's distracted by TV's and how I wasn't a millennial because I hadn't even noticed the TV.  We also joked about how we could trade clothes because we were both mediums as well as complex twenty-one-pilots lyrics.

    Church was a message about grace.  I finally got to meet Bethany as well.  After church I moved into my apartment.  I have a new roommate now.  She's an exchange student from China, and it's her first semester so its been kind of hard to communicate with her, but she is so sweet, and adorable. I added some new things to my dorm for the semester. :D




           That night Living Light was holding a candlelit vigil for human trafficking in Racine, and had a documentary about human trafficking.  A lot of people don't know how much Racine is actually affected by human-trafficking, but it is a really big deal since we are located between Milwaukee and Chicago.  One lady that got up to speak said they had saved six people the Friday before from a life of trafficking.  The scary thing is, you're usually trafficked by people you end up coming to trust, which makes me even more cautious to the people of the world. There were organizations in the back to help out the victims of human-trafficking including bags with essentials items, and clothing.

Monday February 1st

  (1st day of classes):  I had Spanish at 9a.m. in the morning, and I actually not only made it on time I was early.  (This is an accomplishment, because I somehow never arrived to her class on time last semester, hopefully I've broke that habit.)  After Spanish I have a break, until my Geography class which was really funny.  The professor starts and ends his classes with random YouTube videos.  Today's video was about people not knowing basic geography.  It kind of made me cringe most of the time then laugh.  I also passed a girl in the hallway that I mistook to be a Living Lighter but it was really Hannah, a girl I used to go to high school/church with!

    Before I left for the church class I caught up a little with my friend Ethan.

   That night at a church class I'm doing (Vision and Commitment Course), John did a teaching on The Gospel.  No matter how many times you hear the Gospel, there's always something new to learn from it.

     Tuesday February 2nd:  Tuesday's are my biggest class load.  I have three classes in a row.  So I'm in class for about five hours straight. I have Intro to Sociology, Human Development, then Geography.  I'm in class from 9:30-2.  I'm a little worried about my Sociology class because it seems like it's going to be heavy on boring readings, so not looking forward to that.  My Human Development class seems super interesting.  I'm taking it with the professor I took Psychology with my freshman year.  He really made everything interesting, even though the topics are usually interesting by themselves.  Through this class he's going to teach us useful skills, that we can use later in life, or presently depending on what type of situations we are in.  Geography was great again, this time he started off class showing us a video of people slipping on the same patch of ice.

     Before the Cru meeting I met up with Hannah so we could catch up, and I could introduce her to the people of Cru.  It was really nice.  I don't remember what the talk was on though.  Maybe it was on the Gospel as well....

     Wednesday February 3rd:  Probably the most boring day so far.  I had the same classes I had Monday.  My roommate decided to cook a Chinese dish made with tomatoes, eggs, and I think soy sauce for sure (not sure what else she put in it) but she was so scared I wouldn't like it because she thinks she cooked it wrong.  It tasted pretty good though, and was surprisingly filling for the small portion I had eaten.

Thursday February 4th:  Started off the morning with worship at Trae's along with Hannah Y, Aaron, and Mike.  While everyone was catching up, we discussed what should be done with our time that morning.  If it should be time of music or prayer.  Hannah decided to she had to go to the bathroom so it wasn't long before the conversation switched to poop talk.  (Boys like talking about farts and poop, and I guess that's one thing that doesn't change.) :P Hannah came out of the bathroom and asked Trae and Aaron if they decided what they were doing for worship, and Aaron was just like nope we had a conversation about poop.  I missed Aaron's nonsense comments.  Then moved into a time of music worship with a time of naming off our fears and making them known.  After a very serious knowledgeable worship session our conversation went back to partially odd again. The important teachings being: Beware of crazy teachers, don't eat people, and probably don't eat the food that's been clung to your shirt.
      After classes I went to the tutoring center to sign this semester's contract, and get all the new information regarding this semester.  It's so cute they made everyone Valentines, and all of the tutors names are written on a heart.  :D (If you ever need Spanish help, I can probably help you.)
    After I ate lunch I caught up with Jeremy, and God taught me an important lesson on apology, and forgiveness,  (God's revelation to me, actually brought me so much joy and is really encouraging, so I might make a blogpost on that.  Let me know if you'd be interested in reading that.)

   Later that night I met up with some Intervarsity people to play board games.  They want to do a game night every week now which is nice.  I got excited when I saw Kelsey for the first time in weeks :D.  Hannah from high school joined us too.  We played Clue, and Apples to Apples.  I got to confident in Clue and guessed the wrong thing.  I was holding one of the cards I guessed....  :P

Friday February 5th: At noon I had to go and do tutoring training.  During the tutoring training practice they put you with a fake tutee, and you go into a session with them.  (Pretending it were real).  I was really good with the first practice session, but the second practice session was really hard.  The fake tutee, complained about how hard Spanish was, but didn't want to put any effort into the work for learning at all.  They said I did well with handling the situation though.

Saturday February 6th:  A lot of reading went on, since my psychology, and sociology classes are very heavy reading based.  That night a few of my roommate's friends came over to make dumplings.  Chinese New Year starts tomorrow, so they celebrate making dumplings on the eve of Chinese New Year.  I made Americanized egg rolls while they handmade the dumplings, which turned out to be a 5 hour process.  6p.m.-11p.m. The dumplings were really good!  I literally have the best roommate ever.

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