Thursday, June 16, 2016

Things I Didn't Think I'd Ever Do But Did

1) In May 2012 I went ziplining, despite having nightmares before going.  It was probably my favorite thing ever. 

2) Go on giant rollercoasters, they had always intrigued me but actually going to Six Flags for the first time in June 2015 was really intimidating.  But I found that to be really fun too.
(This isn't a picture of one of the big rides I was talking about ;P)
3) Live away from home.  I always knew I would eventually do that, because everyone does , but I never thought I would so soon, and over an hour away. Being far away from a place of comfort seemed so scary. But God called me to the Kenosha/Racine area, and I'm so glad I came here.
4) Goes along with 3.  It's live with a roommate. When I was really young I used to share a room with my brother. But as we got older we had our separate rooms. So I was used to having a room alone. So I wasn't sure how being with a roommate would be. I thought it would be a lot harder than it actually was and that we would fight.  But that was never the case. :) Here's a picture of my most recent one
5) Traveling many states away without my family, and not being scared. When considering traveling at a younger age, I was always scared of what if something happened all those states away from home, and what would I do. I no longer have those fears anymore, and look forward to traveling more in the future. Last summer I traveled to Pennsylvania without fear for over a week.
6) Meet Tyler Oakley or see any of my favorite celebrities in person.  I already did a blog about this.
7) Live at someone else's house: So last year sometime, a girl from my church said she was staying with one of the other church families in the area, because she wasn't originally from here. (Which I've come to realize is a pretty common thing with Living Light.) I just remember thinking that was really weird, and wondered why she wouldn't have her own place etc. But now that girl is me.
8) Find Mature Guys. In high school I kind of loss hope in ever seeing such a thing as a mature boy in college. But within the first month of college, I found out there was such a thing, and now I have a lot of guy friends.
9) Be outgoing. Beat shyness. Yes I'm more introverted then extraverted, and I have some awkward times, and times of not knowing what to say.  But I found my voice in college. In high school people put judgments before ever getting to know you.  Judgments that stick with you all throughout middle, and high school, that maybe go as far back as elementary school. Those judgments never let people actually see who I really was, so I was treated disrespectfully and taken advantage of for being the quiet girl with friends who were labeled to be the weird outsider kids. In college I had a new beginning where absolutely no one knew me, and I was able to shine. The great thing about college is, there is no popularity, and you don't have to be a certain way to impress anyone, because people just like you are waiting to meet you. (Sorry for the rant this is just so so important.) I often wonder what people from high school would think of me now, now that I've been so true to who I am. I think they'd be surprised.
10) Fall in love with church. From a young age I did like church, but I liked it for the wrong reason.  I liked it because I thought it was the right thing to do in obeying God, and obeying God brought me joy.  Sitting through an hour long service in a Catholic church was considered boring for the most part. It was more of a chore to people. Something even though it was one hour a week people dreaded doing. So I never thought I would get butterflies in my stomach in excitement for going to church on Sundays. But I did, and I do.  Everyone deserves to find such a church that you can't wait for it to be Sunday, because you know amazing things will happen. I also found understanding when reading "The Bible" when normally I found it as a boring, confusing text.  Now the words in it are just so beautiful.  Because God actually wrote them all.   
I might add to this later, as in the past I was so afraid to do a lot of things, I'm sure I forgot some stuff. But here's my list of moments for now. :)



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