Saturday, March 26, 2022

A Huge Victory

  At the job I work at I visit kid's homes that are aged 2-4 or work with them at a clinic designed specifically for kids with Autism. One of my client's and his brother were going to start going to the clinic for therapy twice a week, and started on Friday. I work with both of the brothers and the younger one is really chill, and a pretty happy kid so our team didn't foresee any challenges with him transitioning into the clinic. However this wasn't so for the older brother, who I was assigned to for his very first day at the clinic. 

   On my way to the clinic I prayed that he'd be able to easily transition into being at the clinic, even though it seemed by knowing him he would have a really rough time with it. God came through as he always faithfully does, and all the staff were shocked at how much he crushed his first day at the clinic. Tasks that were hard for him at home didn't seem to be at the clinic. I was so proud of him. 

    I got him out of his carseat and he calmly walked into the clinic into the lobby to get checked in. (He's very attached to mom, so we thought he would fight back or cry). The only thing that kind of freaked him out was the head thermometer we're required to do for Covid. I think he thought it was going to hurt. After realizing this I explained the process and he was surprised it was a 2 second process. We went into the room assigned to him and he played with the toys in there. I let him play with the toys in his room before asking him if he would want to explore the other rooms. (The more public rooms that would have other clients playing in there). He was hesitant at first which I figured he would be but after a couple minutes he told me he was ready to go out. He absolutely loved all the toys in the different rooms. Toys he had never seen before in his young life. He wanted to try everything. We didn't know how he would be around peers since he had really only ever been around his brother mostly. But he did amazingly well. (He has a hard time sharing things, especially with his brother, but he did so well here.) He actually wanted to be around the other kids towards the end of my session with him. When another kid had a toy he wanted he patiently waited for them to be done (which was unheard of). It made me so happy. He also usually fights being changed (diapers). When I told him I needed to change his diaper, he whined but walked into his room to be changed without any other resistance and let me change him without a fuss. He usually has a pacifier for comfort while being changed but told me he didnt need it when I tried handing it to him. I just felt so much happiness the rest of the day. This was so HUGE for him, and we didn't know how well he would do but he did at least 10x better than any of us could imagine he would. I truly think he will thrive here.

   I love all the kids I work with even when they fight me or throw tantrums etc. My job is to help them communicate effectively so they no longer have to show negative behaviors to get what they need/want. I know everyday won't be like today was, even when he's in the clinic but I know that "today" was a HUGE victory and that's all that matters. 


  1. That is so amazing. Kids at that age that don't have autism don't always do that well. LOL People probably think having these little ones compared to the older kids with Autism would be easier, but I know its not. They are so young they have had very little therapy or have been around other children, so this is all new to them. The older children have YEARS of therapy and understand the routine.

  2. Definitely, and know how to control their emotions better whereas the little one do not as much. I don't have Autism and I know I'd struggle if it was me. People ask me why I work with kids with Autism, since its "so hard" but a lot of times they're happier or even behaving better than the ones who don't have Autism.
