Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Passivity in Faith

~My friend Trae sent me this in podcast form, because he thought I would find encouragement in it.  So I'm going to state what I got out of the podcast and interesting facts I learned.

A lot of people are passive in their faith, and in their lives in general.  In order for our faith to be strong though, we cannot be passive in our faith.  Most of the time people who lead passive lives would rather escape from the problems they are facing rather than overcome them.  The idea of escaping problems instead of overcoming them reminds me of suicide.  The person begins to believe that they would rather take their life (escape their problems) instead of overcoming them, or finding hope in their situations and trusting God.  We can't expect deliverance from our problems in most cases, so we must face them.

The largest amount of passivity in churches is taking place in the United States, because of passivity there is a lack of leadership today also, because leaders cannot be passive they must take control.  Passivity keeps us from fulfilling what God wants us to fulfill.  We don't act on what God is telling us to do, we just push it off.  However, more people are being born again then ever before.

One of the most interesting things they said in the podcast was how college level kids are the most likely group to get their faith destroyed.  In college being a Christian especially a leader is taboo.  In other words it's not cool to be that one "Jesus freak".  Not wanting to be in an out group, people don't act on their feelings of religion, and kind of suppress their thoughts on the matter.

A lot of passive people make excuses to why they are so passive, and often see problems instead of opportunities.  Passive people also tend to either live in the past or future instead of the now.  They mistake being passive for peace.  For example keeping an unpopular opinion to yourself so a fight/argument doesn't break out.  We must wake up every morning ready to fight.  The enemy is all around us on Earth.

David could of just as easily not have been prepared to fight Goliath, and someone else could of taken his place had he been a passive person.  David was not a passive person however and woke up everyday filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to fight.

Lastly have you ever thought how cool it is that we are all filled with the same Holy Spirit.  We are filled with the Holy Spirit Jesus had while he walked the Earth, the same spirit as Peter, the same spirit as all the greatest people we can think of.  There were no differences in the Spirit.  Every single born again individual has been filled with the same one, and that is just a really encouraging and incredible thought to me.

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