Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Recently I have been a very happy person, I've realized however how easily happiness can be taken away from us.  Whether it's someone trying to sabotage are happiness or a tragic life event that has taken place.  During these times, when bad things are happening to other people I just want them to be okay again, I want to be able to have a magical tool that takes the pain away.  I guess in some ways prayer can be that tool.  Prayer however, usually isn't miraculous and takes time to heal a person.

Prayer is all about having a relationship with God.  We were created to be closer to God then anyone in our lives.  It's pretty hard to imagine loving someone more than your best friend, spouse, own child etc.  The way I like to think of it is:  Taking your best friend and multiplying everything you love about them by an infinite amount, and that's how great God is. The definition of prayer actually stands for "divine persuasion."  If you think about it that way, you get to talk to a person who is divine, and who doesn't want that.

A lot of people need prayer in their lives, so something you can do before entering a public place is to ask God to turn on your "prayer radar."   Praying for this will help God open your eyes to the people who need to be prayed for at that certain time.  Sometimes God just wants to remind someone of how beautiful he thinks they are.

To be a person of prayer we have to choose to be one.  God wants to be wanted.  He wants us to ask him things and have conversations with us.  It's important during rough times of life to gaze upon God's beauty.  Think about all the blessings in your life.  You will find the amount of blessings you have in your life outweigh the qualities of the situation you may be in.

Keep engaged with God throughout the day, treat him like a best friend.  If you're spending the day with your best friend you tend to talk to the person a lot.  It should be the same way with God.  Be a good listener to God.  The more you listen, the more you hear, and the less you talk.  Sometimes being a good listener is the best thing you can be.

Be a giver in prayer don't just be a receiver.  If people you haven't thought about in awhile come to mind, take time to pray for them, God might have brought your attention to them for a reason.

We're are in a spiritual Earth, but we are in the army of God.  Just picture Gandalf shouting to the enemy "You shall not pass" if you need an image to remind you of this.  Picture God asking you to fight with him like a gentleman holding out his hand before he asks a girl to dance.  We need to tune into the Holy spirit as much as we do with our phones.  When are phones go off, we are instantly alerted about something, imagine if we could do this with the holy spirit.

If we cling to God we can do what seems to be impossible.

~This is a reaction to the message that was given about prayer at Living Light Church

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