Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Things College Kids Do

1) Stay up to the early hours of the morning, hanging out with friends.
2) If they're really tired they roll out of bed 5 minutes before class, and go
3) Set alarms for strange amount of times that aren't capable of giving you a good enough time to sleep, but you try anyways.  Ex: 14 minutes
4)  Are somehow able to function on very low amounts of sleep
5)  Wake up in the middle of the night to eat something.
6)  Make Ramen/ Microwave popcorn at strange times.
7) Take night naps.  (I don't usually do this)
8) Think four hour naps are acceptable
9) Some have a hard time making healthy choices,
10) Don't really care how they look, as long as their hair is brushed somewhat and smell somewhat decent.
11) Can't adult
12) Participate in nostalgic activities
13) Drink lots of caffeine
14) Fall asleep in weird places, (on the floor, in the library)
15) Watch a ton of Netflix/movies
16) Order pizza late at night (I've never personally done this)
17) Lay around until actually getting the motivation to do homework.
18) Wish there were puppies around to cuddle.
19) Don't use cups, drink things straight out of the bottle.
20) Contemplate your future.

That's all I can think of for now, if you have any others you can comment them beneath this post.  If I think of a lot more I will make a second post about this.

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