Saturday, March 21, 2015

Judge Judy Rules Poliwager a Success

So a little over 6 years ago my friend Jeremy made a Pokemon website, named after his favorite Pokemon Poliwag.  On this website you can adopt/hatch Pokemon, breed Pokemon, feed your Pokemon, or go on the Poliwager Forums to talk to other people who are apart of the website.  A few days ago I had a dream about the website, and as the title suggests it contains Judge Judy in it.  I told Jeremy about it, and he thought I should post about the dream here because he thought people would find it pretty funny.  So before I forget it (If it's even possible to forget dreams containing Judge Judy) here ya'll go.

In the dream the success of the Poliwager was going up at a high rate, so Jeremy decided to drop out of college.  He assumed the success of his website would keep growing and growing.  Jeremy then told his friend Kyle his thoughts about dropping out.  Kyle basically told him he was losing his mind, and how Jeremy should get an actual job.

Jeremy was optimistic though, but a few weeks after dropping out, his website started losing users.  Jeremy started to believe that maybe this whole thing was an extremely stupid idea.  Until one day when the success of his website started increasing rapidly out of the blue.

The success of the website was caused by none other than Judge Judy.  I (Alex) decided to watch Judge Judy, so were supposedly a ton of people around the world.  In the episode Judge Judy was holding a microphone that had a Poliwrath on it (an evolved form of Poliwag) with written under it.  Judge Judy and one of the people she was evaluating got into an argument, which pretty much happens in every episode.  This person had pushed it to far though, saying that Poliwager was stupid.  Judge Judy stated how the guy was ignorant.  From seeing this episode a ton of people were curious about what was and decided to join the website.

Jeremy was unaware of the success of the website until I told him to go on and check it out.  Jeremy was very confused but thrilled as well.

The moral of the story is that a cranky old lady secretly has a passion for Pokemon, and that you guys should check out Jeremy's website:

1 comment:

  1. hahaha :) That's so awesome Alex! :) You guys are so cool lol! What a fun dream to have :) Well, guess if J.J. says so... gotta believe it! Poliwagggeers. hahaha.
