Saturday, December 22, 2018

California Trip Day 1

    Since we got into LA late Tuesday night. I'm going to talk about Tuesday and Wednesday in this post. Tuesday contained a lot of stress as it was Finals week, and I crammed everything into Tuesday. I do not wish to remember the stress I felt that day so I'll start with after my schoolwork was done.

    I got my hair done right before the trip. It just so happened the girl had availability on the day I was leaving. After I got my hair done, I packed up my car and was picked up by my friends in Kenosha. From there we made our way to O'Hare in Chicago. On the way we took turns choosing songs to listen to. When we got to the airport, we found out our flight was delayed an hour, so we had to wait in the airport for 3 hours once we got settled in. However we found a nice area with comfy couches and drank Christmas flavored Starbucks coffee as we waited.

    The flight there wasn't very memorable. It was a big airplane so there was a lot of space and I got the whole row of seats to myself. I think we got to LA at around midnight, and from there we took a Lyft to our hotel for the night from LAX. It was a bit concerning when after we told the Lyft driver where we were headed she said it was on a bad side of town. A 7 on a scale of 10 of how sketchy of an area it was. The Lyft driver had lived in LA for 30 years, so I was definitely worried for our safety that night. She told us it was a nice hotel however, and we did survive. There were no complaints besides it being pretty cold, and a dog barking at night. (The Lyft driver was the sweetest lady).

    The next morning my friend Anna got to plan the day. She had seen a video on  Buzzfeed of cool restaurants in LA so we decided to try one of them out for breakfast. This restaurant was called The Griddle Cafe. At the Griddle Cafe you can order 5 pounds of pancakes as bigger than your head. The waiter mislead me into getting two pancakes, I didn't know you could order just one. I ordered a pancake named "Mounds of Pleasure". Mounds of Pleasure contained powdered sugar, vanilla flavored whipped cream, and a bunch of coconut pieces. I had left overs for days. We weren't hungry again until late that evening. (As you can see the pancakes don't even fit on the plate.)

    To walk off the large breakfasts we had consumed we went to Ferndale. Ferndale makes it seem like your walking through an indoor botanical garden, or next to zoo exhibits. At the end of one of the trails was an outdoor cafe, where we stopped for a couple minutes. It was a beautiful, peaceful spot. Although one of the picnic tables outside was made to look like a Oujji board. Only in California.... (Other strange things about California include billboards with pictures of women in weed bikinis with the caption "Get the Grass", a lot of people you meet are stoned, signs on the side of the road that read "Hump" instead of "Bump". 

    Are next stop was to the Brotsmann Cave and Canyon. A lot of movies were filmed here, including Batman. You walk through the cave, into a valley on the other side. From the valley, you can climb up the side of the hills to see the Hollywood sign. It was really beautiful, and peaceful as well. 

     From here Anna decided she wanted to go to "The Getty." "The Getty" is an art museum in LA. After going to "The Getty" I realized that art museums aren't really my thing, at all. I also almost knocked a painting off the wall, so there's that. Looking at paintings on the wall is just not very intriguing to me, however there was a great view of LA from "The Getty." We also got to see the sunset. 

    Next stop was Rodando Pier for toe rings. I was not peer pressured into getting a toe ring, instead I got pineapple earrings. A lot of stores were closed at that time, but not that cute tiki looking shop. Finally, after we were done visiting the pier we were somewhat hungry. Since we were in California, we felt obligated to go to In N' Out. The burgers were pretty good for being fast food burgers, although the fries were stale. (I've heard the fries always suck though?) (Another random thing I noticed about California is that they don't decorate very much for Christmas, there were only a few houses decorated for Christmas, and decorations here and there. Nothing like how Wisconsin does Christmas or Chicago.) 

    After trying out In N' Out we checked in to our Air BNB. We were supposed to stay there for 3 nights, but only ended up staying there for about 8 hours. The next post will go into why. Since our Air BNB had a hot tub, once we loaded everything into the room we got on our swimsuits. The apartment complex where we were staying also had an outdoor pool. We could only stay in the hot tub so long however because it was after 10pm when we got there. We then went back to the room, made 4 boxes of macaroni and cheese, and watched part of "The Holiday" which partially takes place in LA. 

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