Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Z-berg and Ryan Ross Christmas Show

     As stated previously, my main reason for going to LA was to see Ryan Ross perform. Right now he is my favorite celebrity, and has taken part of my heart. (You're all probably gagging....I'm sorry)

    We got to the Pico Union Project around 7:20, with the concert starting at 8:30 and the doors opening at 8. Since a lot of Ryan's fans are also fans of Panic! At the Disco, most of the fanbase was younger. Although they're were quite a few people my age as well. Before going to the concert I found some people online who were going to the show, and we had a groupchat set up to talk about the show beforehand. Most of them actually hung out outside the venue for hours before the show. (Don't worry they were all really nice, and who they said they were.) If was strange meeting a group of people from across the United States that came from Twitter.

   The friend's I went to California with were true sports. None of them had been fans of Ryan Ross before the show, but even though they didn't know his music they were excited for me. They even did my makeup and hair before we arrived at the show. When I got into the venue, I didn't even stop at the merch table. I wanted a close spot, and I did get one...on the floor. The thing about this show was that it was smaller. It had a capacity of 350 people, so it was a very intimate space. The venue was an old synagogue made music venue. There were pews, but wide aisles. Since it was a concert I thought it would be okay to stand in these aisles at the front. (It turns out no one actually stood at this concert, until the last song.) We got mixed answers when asking if it were okay for us to stand there. Some people said yes. But a guy told us not to stand in front in the aisles so I sat instead. It was awkward because most people stood in the back, instead of siting in the aisles when the pews were filled.

   However, the other acts when they weren't on stage would sit off to the side of the stage on the ground behind a barrier. I thought that maybe if someone came to tell me to move I could always pretend to be a photographer for the venue, with my professional camera, or blend in with the other performers. No one asked me to move...and a few others besides one of my friends sat up there with me. I think Ryan and I made eye contact at least 5x during the night. Right before one of the times Ryan went on, he peaked out the side door, smiled and waved. This was during the time that Z-berg was talking so most people were focused on what he was saying. I told a girl sitting near me about it, and she thought I was joking. I actually couldn't believe it myself.

   Being so close to the stage was incredible, but meeting them, hugging them, and talking to them was even more incredible. I didn't feel like I was actually living most of the show. My friend told me I went completely still, like I forgot how to breathe when Ryan came on stage. I wanted to take in every moment. During one song, when he was done doing back up vocals he just sat on stage. If you haven't heard their music I highly recommend checking it out.

   After the show was over, my friend and I wasted no time standing in the back of the room where they said they would meet fans. Thankfully I was one of the first people to meet them. (I wasn't leaving until I did, and that would of meant my friends waiting extra long). It was important that they made a connection with each fan, so they spent a couple minutes talking with each fan. I was at a loss of what to say with Z, but was prepared with Ryan. Thank goodness I could get myself to speak to the man. His mannerisms are so gentleman-like, and he smiles and gives perfect eye contact so you feel like you really matter to him. I wrote down what we talked about so I wouldn't forget. I'm so glad they took the time to speak with each fan more than 30 seconds. When I met Tyler Oakley and Shane Dawson you were super rushed by security. So it was more like a meet, greet, and leave. ha ha.

   So here's how the conversation went. I said hi and introduced myself to him, he introduced himself back. (In retrospect I think it would of been really funny to act like I didn't already know). I had brought him a gift for Christmas which contained Christmas candy and a bandanna for his dog. (He took a video of himself putting the bandanna on his dog, and I'm still shook). Before the show as well I had gotten other fans to donate to a dog rescue that Ryan supported. He seemed confused when I told him about this, though and asked if I was from California since the dog rescue was located in Southern California. I told him that I was actually from Wisconsin and flew in Tuesday after Finals (that really showed my age ha ha). He asked what I had seen in California, and I told him it was my first time seeing palm trees and the Pacific Ocean and how I had visited Newport. He agreed that Newport was a beautiful place. He then asked how long I was staying for, and I told him how I was going to be leaving tomorrow. He wished me a safe flight then we took a picture together and I hugged him.
   Both of them signed my ticket for the show. I literally didn't know what to say to Z so I kind of just told her I thought she was really pretty and that she sounded really good singing ha ha. When I asked for a picture she told me to hug her body, which I did. They are the sweetest humans and I love them so much. I might have to make another trip out to LA next year just to see them again. Until then I'll just run a fan blog I guess, and try to get noticed by them ha ha.

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