Tuesday, December 25, 2018

California Trip: Day 4

    My bed in the cottage was next to large windows overlooking the ocean, so I had literally fallen asleep to the sound of ocean waves. We all got up early again, which was surprisingly easy during this trip. (I wasn't as tired as usual).  I actually slept the best this night even though I was most likely to sleep the worst that night due to excitement. (Meeting Ryan Ross later that night). Today my friend Katie cooked all a dozen eggs for breakfast. At this cottage there was a hot plate. It took a long time to cook the eggs. but we didn't have to feel like we were being wasteful then.

   While the eggs we're being cooked, we walked along the shore of the beach one last time. Playing on the beach one last time. There was a lot of crab shells. Lizzie and Anna had gotten a bag of items from the gift store, and when we weren't looking a seagull almost robbed us. The seagull actually ate a hole in the bag before we chased it away. We put the pile of scrambled eggs on a plate and each took a fork and ate, while looking out a big window which overlooked the ocean.

    Today was my day to get to plan activities, due to it being the day of the Christmas show(Ryan Ross performance). In advance I ordered tickets online for a Hollywood Tour. We were nervous we were going to miss it, due to traffic. But we managed to get there just in time. On the Hollywood Tour we got to lookout at the Hollywood sign at Muholland Drive, look at celebrity homes, look at crime scenes, and see other historical sites. Some features include "the" Hotel California, where Jim Carey got his start, where Britney Spears shaved her head, and Iron Man's house from Iron Man 2. We decided to get off the tour bus on Hollywood Boulevard instead of riding back to the parking lot. Here we did the obligatory Walk of Fame, and looked at celebrities footprints and handprints (Hollywood's a place you only need to see once and never again, it's not too exciting, it's more hyped up then anything.) The Walk of Fame is a sidewalk not it's own area. I got my obligatory picture with The Beatles star. 

     After exploring the stars, we decided to find a restaurant on Sunset Boulevard. We settled for a restaurant called Rock N' Roll Sushi and ate outside. My left over Pad Thai leaked from the left over container onto my dress. It was the dress I was supposed to wear to the show, but luckily Lizzie let me borrow hers. Luckily my camera covered the orange stain, until we had time to change. 

   Since the Guitar Center of Hollywood was nearby we walked over there after lunch, and it had me awestruck. There were hundreds of different guitars. Some famous music stars also had there handprints and footprints outside the store. Since it was my day we were hoping we could go explore Venice Beach or Santa Monica but sadly that would of been a 50min drive from Hollywood, and we weren't going to risk getting to the show late. So instead we drove to Cinnaholic, a place where you can get a custom ordered cinnamon roll. I ordered a cinnamon roll with cake batter frosting and rainbow sprinkles. Best cinnamon rolls ever. 

  Before the show we went to the fanciest looking Starbucks to change, do makeup, and hair to prepare for the show. (Since I already posted about my experience with the show I will not repeat the details.)  

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