After breakfast I went back to the dorms quick to go change into my dress. I rushed to make it to the Young Adults meeting in time but it turns out I made it early. In the Young Adults meeting we did a religious Mad Libs. Those things where you fill in random verbs/nouns/etc into blanks then it comes out with a really weird story. Some weird things that came out of my story were the lines My mouth will be like a pencil sharpener for God's words, and he will make you like a puppy to the nations. Pencil sharpener doesn't sound like a very good thing to be with God's words.
Morning meeting was next and for worship time we got to do the "J-E-S-U-S song" and "Oh Happy Day". A lot of people went up to the front to do a group dance for "Oh Happy Day" and I was one of them even though I didn't know the moves I felt the energy and needed to be up there :D. Think I caught on to the song pretty well too.
Here's A Tutorial so you can do the dance too xD:
Here's the J-E-S-U-S song, it was pretty adorable:
Those songs definitely got me pumped for the rest of the morning meeting, it was so great. The great worship time was followed by a skit about the traditions of Conference. Which Jeremy's sister lead by playing a song on her violin. It was a very comedic song and made me even more excited to be at Conference.
Next was the morning meeting speech given by the morning speaker Mike Haddox who would be there to speak all week. He told us a story about how there had been a girl from a foster care center that had been following him around, and he was annoyed by her so he tried everything he could do to make sure she wouldn't go by him. But one day when she came up to him she said "Thank you for loving kids like me." and he realized that in that moment she hadn't been talking to him, but to God.
At lunch I was put on salad duty. I got to refill bins of salad topping for an hour...pretty hardcore.
After lunch we headed to the gym where the "Stop Hunger Now" event was going on. Our goal was to package 20,000 meals within an hour. My group was helping package the meals. I had the duty of passing the meals between the sealant table and the packaging table.
We ended up going above and beyond our goal within that hour. After that successful hour we went to go tie-dye shirts. Luckily I had my white "I Can't Stop Watching YouTubers" T-shirt in my bag because someone had forgotten to tell me it was tie-dye day. (I had already been up to Hillside twice that day, and wasn't planning on climbing that hill again.) Jeremy told me the instructions on how to do a spiral and left me to tie-dye by myself. The mission of the day being to tie-dye a shirt. The tie-dye shirt came out to look really good. I used blue, yellow, pink, and orange. The yellow and blue created green shocked me at first because I forgot colors mixed and did that. Saying I didn't put green on my shirt. Jeremy had to point the mixing fact out to me. :P
After Rachel, Jeremy, and I were done tie-dying we sat outside and listened to music for the rest of free time and talked. Jeremy helped his brother tie-dye his shirt as well. During this time Amber sent me a text that twenty-one-pilots released a music video for "Lane Boy", I shouted the text out to Jeremy and we both watched the music video.
That night my group was leading Chill on the Hill with Subs. So I got to talk with all the people in my group, watching as people made their own subs. Jeremy, Walter, and Rachel went to a Singing Bee event for a bit that night.
Things I learned during the Young Adult meeting in the morning:
- Some themes of "The Bible" include: Forgiveness, Love, Grace, Justice, and Sacrifice.
- "Your soul can never grow old, it's evergreen." A lyric in one of Ed Sheeran's song.
-God looks up at the sky and sees constellations like hearts, (We all had to think of a symbol of God's Love for us while they played "A Sky Full of Stars" by Coldplay). My symbol was a constellation in the shape of a heart.
-Here's a Link to "A Sky Fall of Hearts":