Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Benefits of Journaling

    Journaling helps you remember specific details of good things that have happened during a certain day.  Your able to remember certain comments or jokes someone made, or a happy memory you had forgotten.

    I wish I would journal more.  I used to write in a journal every day without missing a day during high school.  I've had a hard time keeping one these days.  I go about 2 weeks writing in it then will forget about it.

    A cool thing about journaling though is you can see the outcome of a certain situation.  For example here's a passage from my journal to illustrate this:

    April 7th 2015:  "I found out that I got the job at The Threshold, and decided that that was I wanted to do with my summer.  Probably going to Trek as well.  Jeremy was disappointed that I wouldn't be going to Conference.  We don't know that for sure, I'll have to pray about it, and maybe God will make it happen if it's meant to be."

      I found this excerpt during a quiet time I had put aside for myself and read it to Jeremy after small group at the Conference that is mentioned in the above excerpt.  As you can see I did end up going to the Conference.  My prayers lead me to the answer that God did want me on this trip, and made it possible, and it's so cool to see the end result of the original journal entry.  You can really see God at work through this passage.  I may have been frustrated and confused but God made a way for me.  At first I didn't understand, but unraveled in time.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job showing us just how well God does answer our prayers!
