Thursday, July 30, 2015

2nd Day of Conference

7/19/15  2nd Day of Conference:  I got to start my first day as a dining hall worker at Conference.  I was put on two days of breakfast and all days doing lunch.  This morning I bused tables for both breakfast and lunch.  The Scripture read at the morning meeting happened to be one of my favorite bible stories.  It was when Peter had a vision about how he shouldn't view other people as unpure that God had made clean.  (Acts 10:1-11:18) Acts is one of my top favorite stories of  "The Bible"
       My mission for today from Jeremy was to visit the Mission Fair and talk to the people there, so during free time that's where we went, and Rachel too.  After that we looked around the bookstore for a bit, then headed to Mugsies (A little coffee shop in New Wilmington right down the road from the campus.)  Autumn had told me to order the frozen hot chocolate when I got there.  Even though that sounded gross, I ordered it anyway, and it turned out being super good.  Josh and Hannah were at Mugsies too.  Josh is another one that's a childhood friend of Jeremy's and Hannah is his girlfriend.  More old Conference stories were shared, as well as the topic of being afraid to give blood.  There was a blood drive going on later that week.
    I didn't write anything in my notes about Vespers or Evening meeting so I'm guessing it was pretty uneventful....hopefully.  Chill on the Hill for the night was breakfasty foods.  I had a chocolate chip pancakes.  Jeremy and Walter's group prepared the meal.  Watched people play Smash until it was time to go to small group where we sang together.

Things learned at the Young Adult bible study hour in the morning:
-  We as Young Adults are in a transition in life between child and adult, and this transition isn't going to be easy.  The term for this transition is "metatoxilogical."  We just have to know that God is with us through it all.  A song that goes along with the metatoxilogical condition is "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons.  "Don't mistake God's inactivity for absence.  When you don't know the answer to something, ask God, yourself, or others the question of "What's Going on?"and "How can I use my gifts and strengths in my adulthood?"
- A quote that stood out to me during the Bible hour was "People don't hate history. they hate their own history."  

Link to the song: "It's Time":
(This is also the song I came out on stage to when I was on Prom Court my Junior year of high school.) 


  1. Is the picture of "small group"?

  2. It's a picture of the place we had Morning and Evening meetings. Small group was just a group with me and the girls on my side of the hall.
