Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Horrific but Comical Morning

You know those days where nothing seems to go right.  Where one thing can't go wrong without a bunch of things going wrong.  That was my morning today.  Instead of looking at it negatively because it was in fact "hella" stressful its also kind of funny.  For some of the morning God must of been on my side, because things could of been a whole lot worse.

My morning started off with me waking up 20 minutes after my 1st class had started, after missing the class the day before because of lack of sleep.  Attendance is extremely important in this class, so there was no way I was going to skip it again, plus its math if you miss two days in a row your kind of screwed for knowing what you have to do.  The reason my alarm didn't go off was because my phone changed time zones over night.  (Its done that before but not recently so I thought it wouldn't happen but yea I was wrong).  "So I woke up got out of bed, and dragged a comb across my head....."  Actually it was more like Woke up shouted "Oh shit" got my stuff together and ran out the door.  I didn't even change my clothes from yesterday, but I had the decency to check my hair and make sure it looked okay.  I didn't want to scare people....

After class my professor informs me I have until noon to turn in yesterday's assignment or I get a zero.  On Tuesdays I have classes from 8:00-12:30 but math at Parkside is super strict at Parkside,  You need to get a certain grade or above in 13 categories, so not turning an assignment on time would bring my homework grade down.  If your homework grade dips under a certain percentage you fail the class.  Luckily in my Psychology class which I have after Math is not mandatory so I could show up late if I needed,

I sat down at a table and realized all my math homework sheets are in my dorm.  (Our professor compiled a huge packet of all the notes and homework assignments required for the Spring semester),
I decided to take a risk and left my backpack unattended to run back to my dorm.  Its a super long walk between the dorms and the Rita so that was fun.

I went back to the room to turn in my assignment but my professor was no longer in the room.  I then rushed to the library to check to see where his office was because I didn't have the syllabus with me.  I ended up not being able to find it online so the people in the library looked it up for me. (They ended up giving me the wrong room number) I wrote it down and decided to go to my Psychology class which let out at 11.  That way I could hand my assignment an hour before it was due and not miss so many Psychology notes.  (Psychology is a super heavy note-taking class).

I got to Psychology and noticed that the assignment that was due today was not with me.  In my rush  out the door I hadn't grabbed my binder.  I prayed for a miracle and the professor decided he wanted them next class instead.  (Thank you Jesus!)

After class I went to the room that I had gotten from the library.  It wasn't the right place.  By some other miracle a girl from my math class recognized me and knew the room I was looking for, and gave me his room number which was in the area my next class was taking place.

I went to go to look for Room 107 but by some sort of sorcery I couldn't find it.  I found Room 105 and 109 but 107 seemed non-existent.  I decided to peek through the window of Room 105 and by another miracle he was teaching in that classroom!  Even though he was in the middle of teaching the class I kind of walked in and gave it to him.  He didn't seem to mind.

I then walked into my theatre class 10 minutes late.  But the teacher pretty much looks like he was probably a college kid like last year and he couldn't care less if I was late.  I went to go sit down with my group so we could go over our scripts and missed the chair and bruised my butt,  While walking downstairs during class time I tripped while going downstairs but saved myself from falling down the stairs on top of everything else that had happened that day.  From all the rushing around and I acquired blisters on my feet.  That's all thats happened so far today, but the day isn't over yet so hopefully I don't choke on my food or slip in the shower or something.

I hope that if you were having a bad day that this was able to cheer you up.  It should knowing that a human could go through so many strange things in one day.

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