Thursday, February 5, 2015

Life is so Fragile

We often take for granted that we could easily die at any moment.  It could be an hour from now, a week, a month, a year, or far off in the future.  Only God knows when are last moments will be.  We can't waste our lives on selfish things.  God gives us so many wonderful experiences that are worth more than any value of money.  We shouldn't let money be one of the things that controls our lives while here on Earth,  Instead of pursuing money, we should give what we don't need, and pursue the life God has chosen for us.  If things weren't hard we wouldn't try to find God.  We would just expect that everything was being okay.  Life is so fragile though we often take for granted that our bodies even staying still need a lot to function properly and keep us alive. If our brains or hearts stopped working we would die.  So it is important that we glorify God and proclaim his greatness, and live a godly life in the short time we have on this Earth.  To love everyone without judgement,  to shine with the light of the Holy Spirit and love who he has made us to be.  We should be people's lights in the darkness, making their lives easier to live instead of being the one to make it miserable.  We should help that stranger, and smile kindly.

Its the first week back at college after Christmas break, and I've just been stressed out with worrying about what the future has in store for me this semester with 17 credits, and what seems like an impossible math course.  As well as much more homework then last semester.  Staying up to the late hours of the night is probably going to become a routine.  Which sucks for people like me who have 8a.m.  These struggles are nothing compared to the glory we'll be filled with in heaven, its also nothing compared to what Jesus had to suffer for us.  There are so many things to be grateful for.  For instance the diversity in the world.  God even created a diversity in laughter: hysterics, snorting, obnoxious, quiet.  He created so many different types of trees and animals some we don't even know exist yet.  We should be grateful for that smile on that little child's face that we see in passing, or when someone goes out and holds that door for you.  Our lives are amazing things and we have to learn to live them up to God's potential for us.

I want to build strong godly relationships with people and get to know who they are as people better.  There are so many interesting things that make up a persons life.  So many untold stories or memories and interests that we don't even know about.  That's just really neat.  I can't wait to see who God puts into my life.

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