Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Taking Risks in Faith

In the book "A Million Ways to Die, the Only way to Live" Rick James that we must go through tiny deaths regularly to glorify God.  These deaths being, the rejection Christians face when sharing there faith.  It's hard to get rejected by people, but at least God knows you tried.  If people do end up talking about their faith with you or go to youth group on campus, its a great accomplishment.  Tuesday I went through a few situations dealing with these "tiny deaths".

I'm not even sure what brought it up or who but in my theatre class, we had some free time so I talked to the people in my group who I would be acting with.  I don't remember what we were talking about specifically but I pushed the idea farther, and went into a spiritual conversation with the two other people in my group.  I risked them rejecting the idea, but instead we all discussed our spiritual backgrounds, as well as views on church things.

Later that same day I went out sharing around campus with my friends Jen and Tyler.  One of the staff leaders from our youth group on campus had invited me and Jen to go sharing in the 1st place, so we thought she would accompany us while sharing.  That's not how it went down she sent us off together.  It's a really intimidating task when your not that experienced and don't have a face like Pepins.  (The staff leader).  She has a way of making people listen to her.  We failed all the times we tried to engage in conversation or invite people to Cru (Our youth group on campus).  The first girl made it extremely awkward, and the other two people kindly turned us down.

I'm a greeter along with one of my friends Jeremy and we decided to challenge ourselves and invite people to Cru before the meeting started at 8.  One of the guys kindly accepted the Cru card.  However, a group of freshman girls who used to be my roommates friends acted like Cru was the stupidest thing in the world if I asked them if they were planning on coming.  I know that at least two of them were planning on going to a bible study at the beginning of the year.  College has either changed them or they're hiding something.  Although they act friendly in front of me I feel like they all secretly judge me.  Let's just say I've heard them talk before and they're not the nicest girls.

When sharing faith there's always going to be some people who reject the idea of Cru or Christianity.  That's because the world is already against us and showing your religious side on campus is kind of taboo.  Its worth going through these "small deaths"  to become stronger.  By living through these small "deaths" we don't lose much from being rejected.  Maybe our reputation somewhat or a person's respect for us, in some cases nothing.  Even if those girls decide to gossip about what a joke I am for trying to get them to go to Cru.  It doesn't matter,  There's a ton of amazing people who do share and accept my views on Christianity.  These people who I have come to know, are probably at the top of my list, of the most amazing people I have ever met.  As long as I'm not losing a person like that, then who cares if I lose a few people a long the way who don't have a positive impact on my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alex! I enjoyed reading your post! Don't get discouraged with the other girls actions. I remember my first year of college I went to uw eau claire and we had a lot of nice girls who evangelized in our hall. Some girls started talking bad about them, and I ended up not wanting to go to the christian events just because I was scared they wouldn't like me either.
    Stay bold & strong! :) I'm sure a lot of the girls probably want to go, but they feel pressured to conform because of all the struggles at the University.. and trying to fit in - and make "something" of themselves.
    Maybe just get to know them, and you can share Christ with them as time goes on.
    I'm really pleased with your ability to stay firm despite the challenges that are around you. :) I have a blog too! It's

    You can check it out whenever you have time, i post whenever I can but it's not as often as I'd like! :)
