Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Benefits of College

I was in one of those moods this evening where I was angry with the world.  Probably because I actually have to go back to college tomorrow after a super long break.  As of now due to a blizzard in Kenosha two of my three classes have been canceled.  So there's a plus.  I don't know why I'm excited when I've literally been off for almost two-months now.  To get myself in a more positive mood about college I decided to make a list of the positive things college has to offer.

1) More intelligent people in classes.  You usually don't have those ignorant people trying to piss off your teachers.  Students who talk in class usually know what they're saying, and make intelligent comments.

2) It takes like a 5 minute walk to get to where your friend is living if they are on campus.  This allows you to plan hang out times and hang out a ton.

3) Coffee is available at multiple places on campus

4) Naps are totally acceptable.

5) No one makes fun of you for looking like a slobbish appearance because everyone usually looks like a slob on a daily basis.

6) Independence and Adulting:  You get to make decisions and be independent.  Some people struggle at adulting....(me)

7) People on campus are all around your age:  You won't have those awkward conversations about being in pain, strange symptoms, or bodily functions.  (But people my age kind of scare me as well)

8) You don't go to classes for 7 hours in a row.  This is really significant.  Over break I went over to the high school to help out with the special ed kids for like 2 hours on the days I went.  I left after there 7th out of 9 classes were completed and everyone in the hallways just looked like zombies and barely even to function,  (I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that anymore, I seriously feel for them.)

9) You can wake up 10 minutes before your class and still make it to class on time.

10) Lots of movie parties.  There's not a lot to do in the dorms so they are a lot of movie parties.

11) Usually cool events going on, on campus.  Like making chalk mugs, line dancing, flamingo decorating?

12) You can shower as long as you want without feeling bad.

13) It's way easier to meet up with your professors if you need help or advice on papers.

14) Usually teachers don't care if you're late if you don't make it a habit.

Its super late, and I really can't think of anything else right now, but if I think of anymore I will make a Part 2 possibly.

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