Monday, February 9, 2015

Another Embarrassing Moment Because I'm an Awkward Girl :)

I don't know why these things happen to me, maybe its so I can laugh at them later. Like I don't even know why people hang around me anymore since this is a very common occurrence in my life.  I love you guys (Thanks for dealing with me and my awkwardness).   I'm the type of person that likes to embrace these awkward situations, they're who make me, me.  Without further ado....Here's the story about how I unknowingly left church a half-hour early.  (It's must more interesting then it sounds, you'll see why.)

I was in the process of choosing a church to go to that was near my college campus in Kenosha.  I was really sure about picking the church I ended up going to on Sunday.  This church is very different from many churches, and even explaining it is kind of hard because it is so different.  These people are so consumed by God.  That everyone in the whole church is dancing and singing at the top of their lungs, and announcing what God has put on their hearts in front of everyone.  The church takes their sermons very seriously as well and it is usually a 2 hour service.  I didn't know this.  So after the 1st hour there was a break, where everyone got out of their seats, and began talking to each other.

My friend who had told me about the church in the first place came over and sat by me, and told me a message God had put on his heart to tell me.  He then left to go over and talk to his other friends, and I could of swore he said Bye (he didn't).  I took this as a cue that the church service was over, and went out to the parking lot.  I thought that it was strange that a lot of cars were still in the Parking Lot, but thought it must of been because everyone in the church is like a community.  So I left.  That's embarrassing in itself, but the more embarrassing part of the story wouldn't come until later that day in the evening.

I felt a strong urge to call my friend from the church to tell him how I thought the message he had portrayed that morning had to do with my life, because that morning I kind of didn't say anything but thanks after he said what God had put on his heart.  I felt like he deserved more depth than that.

He's a very busy person, so I texted him first asking him if I could call him to make sure it was an okay time to do so.  He responded back quickly so I called him, after getting distracted about other things.  So when I said I would call him in a second I really meant a half hour.

After calling him I realized how much of a terrible human being I was.  He thought that the message he had given me had upset me and that's why I left church so early.  He thought I had called him to yell at him, or explain why his message was wrong.  So basically the whole day since church I had probably made him worry and think I was mad at him when I truly wasn't at all, so it was a really good thing I called him or the next time we would of seen each other would have been really strange.  

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