Monday, September 28, 2015

A Fantastic Fall Weekend (Saturday)

     This week just seemed to be kicking my butt.  It was all worth it though, since this weekend turned out to be so much fun/fruitful.  Weekends like these, make me remember how blessed I truly am!

    On Saturday Jeremy and I went to Tyler's house to hang out for a little bit before going to MSOE to meet up with Lizzy, Anna, and their friends.  Tyler's house contained three cats and three dogs.  One dog they were babysitting which was a Pitbull mix, the other two were yellow labs.  For cats their was a giant fat, black kitty. (I had to pick him up, because of missing Fluffer.), and a multicolored kitten named Chewbacca,  I was covered in hair by the time we left, and had chosen to wear black pants that day. :P.

   After lint-rolling my pants, we drove to MSOE.  It had been my first time driving in downtown Milwaukee, so I didn't really know what to expect.  I have been driving for 3 years now, and have driven through the craziness that is Racine, so I figured I'd do fine.  I did pretty well, although it wasn't really a busy traffic time of day.

    We got to MSOE 15 minutes before the rest, so Tyler and Jeremy passed time by playing a word game.  The word game involved trying to guess the same word.  They started out by saying a random word, then had to think of something that related to both the words they said.  That way they could more easily guess the same word.  They were still doing the game, after we met up with the rest.
 Lizzy, and Anna had invited their friends Josh, Cassie, and Hannah.  I had met Hannah a couple times before.
     We started the afternoon off walking to an art museum right across the street from MSOE.  A lot of the paintings had super obvious names including: "Five guys by a Fire." Tyler commented about how there was art surrounding us, and Jeremy commented that Tyler was actually the art.  At one point Jeremy's blood sugar was low, so I went with him to get his backpack from the front desk.  He went back to go get, and the secretary kind of just stared confused as he did an insulin shot.  She figured out what he was doing, and was super worried he would pass out in the museum, and how terrifying it would be. Hannah, and Anna were taking an art class at UWWC so they knew what was considered wrong with every painting, and the cool aspects of each one.  We went to the museum gift shop when we were about to leave, and I got a questioning look from one of the employees who worked there after she saw me smelling a book.  Jeremy said the smell reminded him of something.  There ended up being a picture of me representing me when I do my homework.
    Josh goes to MSOE, so after we were done at the museum he took us on a little tour of one of the buildings.  This required many stairs.  I guess the number of the classrooms aren't orderly at all so its basically like a maze.  Jeremy decided while touring the building it would be a good time to play "The Science Museum" song on his iPod.  (We were in one of the science buildings).
     By the time we got out of the MSOE building Lizzy, and I were super hungry.  We walked to a Panera Bread down the street for lunch.  They had Clam Chowder soup :3!  
     We walked back to the MSOE parking lot and drove to a movie theatre to see "Hotel Transylvania 2."  I honestly thought it would be a really bad movie. (I hadn't saw the 1st one, so I didn't know what to expect.  We got to the movie theatre a little early, so we walked to a walk up custard place down the street.  We all ate our icecream, then stopped at Walgreens on the way back for a bathroom break.  We got back to the theatre just in time.  The movie was honestly so cute and hilarious.  The funniest part probably was when they made a diabetes joke, and our group all looked at Jeremy and laughed.  The other people in the theatre seemed really confused.  
          After the movie was over Anna and Lizzy needed to get back home because their mom was sick.  After saying goodbye Tyler, Jeremy, and I finished off the night by visiting Jeremy's dads house so I could pick out one of his old Imacs for my brothers birthday. It was super strange when we got to Jeremy's house.  His dad must have hired a babysitter for Josh, because she looked scared when she saw Jeremy, Tyler, and I.  Jeremy assured her this was his dad's house, and she let us in.  Apparently that happens a lot.   Jeremy told us a lot of information on apple things, and about the computers themselves.  
             It was pretty foggy after we left Jeremys.  When we got back to campus, I made Jeremy wait in the living room as I quickly cleaned my room, and made space for the computer.  If I'd known it'd take less then 3 minutes to clean my room, I probably would of done it a lot sooner then I did.  Jeremy showed me how to use the computers, and all the different programs.  I played a couple games before unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep.  

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