Thursday, September 3, 2015

The First Week (Day 3)

     I started out my morning by setting up the table for the Cru surveys.  It was way to early for me to be social and yell about winning $100 so I just sat and people watched until Robert showed up.  Robert instantly got four people to do the survey.  I had English class at 11 so I left Rob to do the surveys.

    My English professor is the same one I had at the beginning of the year last year.  I had signed up to be in his class this year, but he had been switched out of teaching that class.  About a week ago he added me on Facebook and told me when his section of English was, and I decided to switch into his class.  His classes are always interesting, and he cares a lot about his students.  He was definitely fit to teach a college class.  Quote from class: "How long is a super-model's skirt?"  "Long enough to cover stuff, but short enough to keep things interesting, that's how I want your essays to be."  He must of said 50 random/funny things like that throughout the whole class.  I'm definitely glad I switched back into his class.

   He let us out early and I went back to the survey tables.  At that time there was a stack of like 30 completed surveys, Robert had gotten a lot of people since I had been away for an hour.  I stayed and watched for a bit and talked to Jeremy, then got lunch quick and headed to Algebra.

   After Algebra I took a short nap in my apartment, then drove to Walmart to pick up things I could make.  Like the typical: Pizza Rolls, Macoroni and Cheese, Lemonade, Rice, and stuff to make Pickle rollls.  I also got some other school supplies I needed.

   I came back to my apartment and had the annual "I don't know if I want to be here 1st week of school thought"  the ones that scare you about the year but fade away once clubs start up again.  I know they're temporary but it was still hard.
    I met my roommates on the other side of the apartment, I hadn't really officially met them before that time.  Then I met up with Jeremy that evening, where we had a long talk about things.  We went outside to find out that "The Beat" was throwing a music event on campus.  People on campus were playing sets along with random Minute to Win It games.  We stayed and watched for a bit, then Jeremy got cold so we went inside to see if anyone was in The Den.  There wasn't so we walked through the halls.

     We stopped at the App Factory where we saw Kyle.  He keeps a stash of Nerf Guns in the App  Factory, and shot me. The nerf gun bullet hit my cheek, and stuck there.  I threw the bullet on the ground and fake stormed out.  Jeremy then went back to his dorm.

   I worked on my math homework for a little bit, and then heard various quotes from "Mean Girls" coming from the living room area.  I went to join my new roommates and watched it with them.  After that was over we watched YouTube videos about a guy and his Corgi as it grew up.  I found it interesting how I could watch the same dog being absolutely adorable for so long.  (I guess that's the same reason I can go dog-watching for extended periods of times at dog parks :P)


  1. Love your posts. Had written a comment on yesterdays but kept losing it because of phone calls. I was saying, if you have problems with Algebra see if you can get a study group going. Many colleges also have tutors that you don't have to pay for. I used them a lot. I would call home crying because I had no friends and we were supposed to be in groups of 2 for this one class but everyone was already paired up. I would leave the classroom crying because it was Physics and I knew nothing about Physics! I called Bruce and he would tell me to quit! and come home. But I was reminded that he would tease me saying I could never finish anything I started. I would pull myself together and walk back into that room with my head held high and sit back down. That is how I met my very dear friend Dawn Jones. To this day we are still friends and I am the godmother to her son. So even if the Algebra professor does not have time for you, there are other resources. Love you!

  2. Hi Alex! Welcome back to school! I saw Jeremy the other day, but not you yet :) I can't wait til I see you. I hope you have a great weekend :)

  3. He told me he had saw you, and Kelsey told me about the Bible Study you guys would possibly be running. If your not taking a class Tuesday night, you can come to our first Cru meeting. It's at 8 in Molinaro 105 (We switched rooms). It's so crazy your taking 25 credits and teaching. I really don't know how you do it :P.

  4. He told me he had saw you, and Kelsey told me about the Bible Study you guys would possibly be running. If your not taking a class Tuesday night, you can come to our first Cru meeting. It's at 8 in Molinaro 105 (We switched rooms). It's so crazy your taking 25 credits and teaching. I really don't know how you do it :P.
