Monday, September 7, 2015

An Injury Away From Home

      A little bit after I posted my blogpost yesterday about maturity and growth, I experienced growth.  Not in a super cool way where I decided to take a leap of faith, but by cutting an apple.  I didn't know exactly how to cut an apple, but apples and peanut butter sounded like a really good idea.  I got about half the apple cut into pieces, when I cut into my thumb.  My roommates were in the living room of our apartment which is right next to the kitchen, and didn't even know this was going on, and still probably don't know it happened.  There was blood on my apple and all over my finger, and hands.  I ran to the bathroom, soaking it with as much water as possible.  Too much blood had been covering my finger, so I couldn't look to see how deep the cut actually was.  I then ran back to my room, and put on a bandaid.  The blood just soaked through the bandaid, so I knew I needed to just keep pressure on it for awhile.  The bleeding wouldn't stop, and it had been a half hour so I contacted my aunt and other friends for advice.  The time it happened was 11:30 at night, and calling my mom at that time would of probably really freaked her out.  I ended up just putting Neosporin on it and putting another bandaid on it before bed.  I woke up, and it was miraculously healed.  It looked more like a papercut, then a gash.  I was super freaked out though, being away from home at the time, unsure of what to do next, or if I needed stitches.  I had to grow up in that moment, and take care of myself and it was scary.  Your not always going to get it right the first time, like cutting an apple you might bleed the first time, but you'll learn from it, and be able to do it in the future.

Pictures of the Incident





  1. Wow that does look so much better. It looks like you superglued it! You know you can call me at anytime. If you are messaging me, call and let the phone ring to wake me first. I was so happy that when Josh was in the Army he had someone he could call anytime so I can pay-it-forward!!!

  2. Okay sounds good, I'll keep that in mind. I actually did not have any superglue at the apartment, it just healed that way :)

  3. Alex!!!! I'm so glad you got it all fixed up! I remember a time last year when I cut my finger cutting up vegetables for a potroast and I cut my finger and it bled and bled and I remember thinking oh my goodness it's never going to stop bleeding am I going to be okay!? But eventually it stopped... but even so after, it's super touchy afterwards to if I hit it.. it would start to bleed again. LOL> :) So anyways I'm so glad that you have it all fixed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
